Ride 3: Rebirth

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Kai together witb Ren, they look at each other with anticipation of what is yet to come. "Oh wow, that's a nice looking dragon you have." Ren said. "Hm! Now tell me, what do you have up your sleeves Ren." Kai asked with a taunting tone, his face shows signs of evil in disguise.

"Ren has 2 points while Kai 1. This match...something tells me, we will be in on a bumpy ride." Tetsu who is looking at the match said.

Ren draws and he rides Nullity Revenger Masquerade. Then he calls Blaster Dark. "With Blaster Javelin, Blaster Dark receives an additional 1000 power. On the other hand, I call Darkside Pegasus. With Darkside Pegasus support, Blaster Dark attacks you Demolition Dragon! Checking. Critical Trigger. Critical goes to Nullity, Power goes to Blaster Dark." Ren said. "No guard." Kai gets 2 damage in total for the game.

"Nullity attack!"

"No guard." Kai gets 3 damage in total. It's Kai turn "I stand and draw. Now here is the moment to shine. Rise from the ashes of inferno, I ride-" Kai stops.

"Be reborn, Toshiki Kai. Hahaha."

Kai vomits out blood, he uses the table as support, he holds himself in place. Blood flows out his mouth. "Kai!" Ren yelled, he takes out his gloves, forfeiting the match. Ren runs over to Kai, the table disappears. Ren grab on to Kai, before he drops to the ground. Tetsu and Asaka runs over. "Kai! Wake up! Tetsu, bring him to the medic room." Ren ordered as Tetsu carries Kai....

Tetsu and Asaka leaves the roof with Kai, leaving Kai's cards on the floor. Ren picks it up for Kai...

Hours later, Kai lay on the bed, unconscious. "The medic team says that he has pushed himself too hard. Let him rest and he will be better." Asaka said. "Like the usual Kai, pushing himself to the limit." Tetsu states. Ren not saying a word, he goes over to Kai and settle down, face fills with worry. "You two may leave. I will take care of him." Ren said. They bow and left. "What happened to you...Kai? Is it really just because of overworking?" Ren asked himself...

In another universe, Kai opens his eyes and noticed that he is on Planet Cray. "Why am I here?" He asked himself.

"Toshiki Kai, we have been expecting your arrival."

"Who are you and why are you bothering me?!"

"We have sort of a connection in one way or the other. Kai, remember Dragonic Overload The Rebirth? You who merge the clans, you have created us. We want you to see the power that you have made. Let us link together once more and be reborn!"

"I am not going to use this unit. I only created you because I wanted to fight Aichi and Ren. But not anymore!"

"The power that you have made, you will give in! We will not let you leave!"

Overlord The Rebirth lands in front of Kai, shaking the barren grounds.

"This power, you have unknowingly created a hybrid clan called The Rebirth! You should guide us to true victory! Make us an official clan! Toshiki Kai."

"I have no desires to."

"Don't you want to be the world's best?"

Kai: (!!)

"With the hybrid of two powerful clans, your win will be inevitable. Beating Aichi and Ren is not enough, you need to beat those who oppose us! Let nothing stand in our way!"

Red smoke rises into the air, covering Kai's body.

"The Rebirth unit is the only way for you to get to the world greatest and no one will darr to fight you, like last time. Hehehe. Be our leader, Master Kai. We will listen, guide us."

Kai's hand lifts into the air, the red smoke attach to him. Engulfing his body then his eyes with permanent ideas of victory.

Ren look at Kai's deck. "Narukami. Kai's favourite deck." He place it beside the bed. The next day, Ren had to leave for commercial work....Kai open his eyes, set himself up, laying on the pillow. He turn his head towards the bedside and look at the deck. He spread it open, some of his cards are drenched with his blood.

His eyes burns red with hatred. "Narukami and Kagero Clan, they are nothing as compared to my Rebirth Clan." Kai said emotionlessly. He threw everything on the ground. He lifts his hand up and a powder of glitter forms eventually turning it into a red ball of flame. It subsided and it reveals a deck. "I feel it. I feel the link between us. I shall call you my own!"

"My Rebirth Unit! HAHAHA!"

😍❤End of Chapter 3❤😍

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