Ride 7: Instaguard

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Ren watches as the ball of flames comes over him. He screams. He wakes up and find himself on the bed, with Kai sleeping soundly by his side. They must had have a great time together yesterday. Clothings are everywhere.

Ren looks at his fingers, they are trembling before him. The dream felt so really. The fear is real. He shifts his body to the bedside. A little part of the smooth and soft blanket covers his lap. He looks at the sleeping Kai who's back is facing him. He turns away.

That dream. The way that Kai presented in there, he had such a killer lust in him. "Kai.." Ren whispers with worry. "Go to the drawer at the dressing room. There are some clothings that you can wear." Kai tirelessly said. As he flips his body around. Ren turns back to Kai, just running his hand on Kai's hair. Ren then say "Let me go order some takeout for us." Kai nods.

Ren with a towel, he ties around his hips and walk towards the dresser. Kai's dresser is huge. He look through the drawers and he noticed a box which sits in the top level of the drawer. He takes a look at the box and it's contents....A picture of when the three were all in Team Asteroid.

"Those days when we played vanguard just for fun. Me, You and Tetsu."Ren said to himself. "I think it's rude for people to be looking at other people's drawers." Kai's hands stretches over doing a back bear hug on Ren. "Other people?" Ren replies. "Except for you dummy." Kai said. Kai with his boxers, he goes to the bottom drawers and take out some clothings and throw it over to Ren.

"Quickly. Let's order takeout. I'm starving. Ha!" Kai said as he leaves the room. Ren smiles, thankful to Kai about the clothings. A few moments later, their meals arrived and they had breakfast.

Aichi enters Card Capital. "Hey Morikawa and Miwa. Where is Kai?" He asked to which Miwa says "Well, to be honest, haven't seen him for three days. Probably he is hanging out with Ren." Aichi puts on a confusing look, not sure why Kai would be hanging out with Ren. "Are they back as best friends now?!" He excitedly asked.

Miwa smirks like Kai. "Hm!" He takes a moment before saying "They are more than that now. They are a couple, Aichi. Go look it up at their Instaguard (Instagram + Vanguard) accounts." Morikawa giggles and says "It's almost like a movie."

"Hey Aichi~" Emi yelled running over to Aichi and hug him. "Oh hey, sis." He said. They went to the cafeteria downtown and chatted.

Emi: Why have you not tell me and mum that you have returned?

Aichi: ^^" I guessed I should have. I am following my Sensei around. He just so happens to be staying here for a few months. That's why I came back.

Emi: So are you going to leave when your Sensei leaves?

Aichi: Yes. I am still trying to gain as much knowledge about Vanguards as soon as possible. The world tournament is starting soon. I need to learn and train.

Emi: You know Mum and I miss you. We will support you all the way.

Aichi: Haha, Thanks Emi. Hey, I heard that there are some stuff happening at the Card Capital. What did I miss?

Emi: Oh. There are a lot of things. Like Kai and Ren got together as a couple. Miwa achieving the mentor status and he began to teach his new students. Oh, the latest one, Kai joined Team Asteroid.

Aichi: Team Asteroid? He left that team before, why did he join back?

Emi: I guess it is for Ren.

Aichi starts to have thoughts in his head. That night, he enters his own bedroom after arriving home. It has been years since he got to feel his precious bed. Mum kept it neat for him, while he is gone. He is thankful. He sits on his chair and takes out his phone, he turns on his application. "Wow, it has been awhile since I looked at my Instaguard account, let's see...Ren and Kai.."

😍❤End of Chapter 7❤😍

AssistCat: Meow~ Meow! You have reached a special mini series! Occasionally, you will be able to read through, Kai and Ren's social media accounts about their love story. (Which is not exactly related to the actual story.) Filling my cat heart with purrrrrre love (Get it? Pur?) Hehe. Go to the next chapter to enjoy!

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