Ride 4: Actual Intentions

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Kai leaves Asteroid's building and no one knew where he is. Even Ren, who dropped the box of fruits that he is holding to the ground after entering the medic room. He noticed that Kai's Narukami deck is shattered everywhere on the floor.

*Phone rings*

Ren looks at his phone. It's Kai. "How can you just leave like that?! Where are you?!" Ren asked with a worrying and angry tone. "I am outside of your house. I'm waiting for your return. Don't keep me waiting." Kai replied with his usual cold expression and he ended the call.

Ren runs to his home. Upon arriving, he sees Kai leaning against the railings, waiting for him. "Kai!" Ren yelled running to Kai and hug him ever so tightly. "How can you just leave without saying anything like that?! Don't you dare leave like that again!" Ren exclaimed with tears in his eyes.

They let go of their embrace. Kai looks at Ren and says "I wanted to give you a surpise." Kai lifts his arm up revealing a bag of ingredients.

Upon entering, Ren's house is like what we expected. The richest,the finest grand house. Nothing could compare to his. All of it was from his earnings as Team Asteroid's wins.

Kai cook up a steak, (Surprisingly Kai could cook that well enough and not burn the whole kitchen down🤭) Ren watches the whole process unfold right being Kai. "Even his back is so beautiful. (^^) No wonder I fall head over heels for him." Ren said to himself. After it is done, Kai place the food in front of Ren.

"Looks good." Ren said, as he cuts a piece of the steak and send it to his mouth. Chew, chew, chew...Ren then nods, he is really liking the steak. "What's the ocasion about?" Ren asked. To which Kai replies "It was for our anniversary. Wanted to cook up something for us after the match. Sadly I fainted. So today is the day." They gracefully enjoys the entire ,earl together.

After they are done, they stand at the balcony, just watching the night sky, they ended up having a long conversation as the evening ambience takes over.

Kai: Ren?

Ren: Yes? *Turn his head towards Kai*

Kai: You know...I am thinking about our relationship.

Ren: What were you thinking about?

Kai: I was wondering how to make our relationship better.

Ren: How? Did you think of any ideas? I feel like right now, it's pretty good. I am happy with where we are right now.

Kai: I heard that Tetsu have left Team Asteroid to be a trainer right?

Ren: Yes, He is.

Kai: *Turn and face Ren* Let me join your team. *Kai hold Ren's arms, grabbing his with a pinch of strength*

Ren: I always thought that you didn't want to be in Team Asteroid. What made you want to again?

Kai: Are you oblivious? If I join you, we can be together, especially when you fight agsinst the world champions. Isn't that your wish? Wanting me to be by your side.

Ren: Sure, I want to. I'm just curious as to what made you change your mind...and I have a question that I have wanted to ask you for awhile.

Kai: Because of this relationship.. *Kai moves his hands down to Ren's palms. They hold each other. Sort of like a connection.* I want to be with you wherever you go...Anyways, what's the question?

Ren: Your Narukami Deck. Did you threw it on the floor? I thought you like that clan.

Kai: *looks away* Things are different now. I am going to change it anyways, because my blood is drenched in it.

Ren: But that doesn't mean, you should just throw it on the ground.

Kai: Are we still talking about Team Asteroid? *Turns back to Ren. Red flames ignites in Kai's eyes. Ren could see it.*

Ren: (!!) Sorry...I...I will contact Tetsu. I will of cause let you join. Tetsu will help to construct your own training room.

Kai: Ren, thank you. *Kai goes closer to Ren,placing his hands on Ren's chest, and hug him* You really are,the man of your words. (^^)

Ren silent, he hugs Kai.

"Kai...I see those flames in your eyes, what is that?" Ren said to himself. Kai open his eyes, he grins. "As long as I can get to the world champion fight. My clan will be reborn and people will fear my name. Hehehe." Kai said to himself...

😍❤End of Chapter 4❤😍

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