Ride 6: Acceptance and Ready

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"Aichi, you have returned." Kai said with a smile. Aichi finished the battle with Morikawa. Kai goes over to Aichi and says "Would you mind showing me what you have learnt?"

Aichi nods with excitement. They went to the VR machine. Each of them wear their gloves. "You will see what I have learnt!" Aichi said to Kai.


"Stand up the, vanguard!"

"Stand up, vanguard!"

Aichi summons Arongal. While Kai summons Demonic Dragon Mage, Deva. The dragon appears, glowing in red with the link joker symbols embedded on its skin.

"Is that a new deck?" Aichi asked. To which Kai grins before looking at Aichi "Yes. I stand and draw. I ride, Barrier Star-vader, Promethium."

(!!) "Link Joker! Kai!" Aichi yelled in disbelief as he looks at Promethium. "Now there Aichi!" He looks at Aichi with flames in his eyes. "Prepare to watch my power. I move Dragon Mage, Deva to my rear guard. I call Lizard General, Canroe! And Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn to my rear guard. I end my turn."

"You join them once again...I am disappointed in you Kai." Aichi said. Kai laughs before saying "I didn't join Link Joker, Aichi. Instead, I created a new clan! The Rebirth. All my vanguards are tied with each other, giving each other ultimate strength!"

Aichi grids his teeth "I stand and draw. I ride Hidden Sage, Miron. Arongal move to the rear."

The battle went on and each turn continues to get more and more competitive. Current damage scores Kai 5, Aichi, 4. All of them have all the spots filled up...

It's Kai's turn.

"Time to face the end. Final turn! Rebirth through the ashes of Link Joker! I ride! Dragonic Overlord: The Rebirth!" Kai slams the card down. Aichi looks at Dragonic Overlord. Kai grins "Do you remember Aichi?! My avatar! I lock all my rear guards and it gains 10000 power!"

Kai attacks Aichi's Blaster Blade. Trigger check lead to nothing. Aichi could not guard. 5 damage. Kai counter blast, reviving Dragonic Overload again and fire. With trigger check, a crital trigger. Both effects given to his avatar.

"No!" Aichi said as the blast gives off the 6th damage. Heal trigger 1st check, nothing. Second check....Nothing... Aichi lost. Kai packs up and turns away and states "See Aichi. You are not reversed. I am not under Link Joker's control or anyone elses. This is my new clan."

He leaves. "You can't just leave like that!" Aichi yelled to Kai, hoping for him to stop, but he leaves anyway. Kai reaches home, as he tries to open the door. Ren comes by...

"Your request of applying to Team Asteroid have been approved. Your room is ready too." Ren said. Kai turns his head and looks at Ren. He smiles at him, Kai walks over to Ren and give a peck on Ren's lips. He hold Ren's hand and pull him to his house.

They settle on sofa...They have a long conversation..

Kai: Thank you so much for giving me that chance. I know what I said have been a little harsh, but please Ren. *Kai hold Ren's hands.* Forgive me for what I have said.

Ren: Is it a must for you to use your Rebirth Unit?

Kai: *nods* this is what I had to do. My clan calls for me. I need to give glory to my clan.

Ren: Your clan? Have you noticed you sound like as though you are born in that clan.

Kai: Ha. Instead of being born to the clan. I was tbe one who created this clan. This unknown clan, will one day see the glory of planet cray. I need to do it.

Ren: Is that why you want to join Team Asteroid again? To shed glory on the rebirth? Not just being with me?

Kai: Ren. Being with you is my priority. *Kai lay on Ren's Lap, holding his hands.* You are important to me. You gave me a reason to become the best fighter.

Ren: Tell me you won't hurt anyone. Don't lose yourself.

Kai nods. He moves his head and lay on Ren's shoulder.

Kai: I promise that I will not lose myself. This is not Link Joker anymore. So I am on my own terms. I won't let it control me..

Ren wraps Kai's body with his arms. They cuddle with each other all night long.

Ren opens his eyes and he noticed that he is standing in the middle of the championship tournement. With his cards in hand. He looks at his opponent.

"Like what you see Ren?!" A voice yells over with a crazy tone. It's Kai, standing with his Dragonic Overlord:The Rebirth.

"Are you ready to be REBORN!?" HAHAHAHAHA

😍❤End of Chapter 6❤😍

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