03. Blue Spider Lily

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[name] then turned and her eyes widened when she saw a demon coming straight for her. Her first instinct was to whip out her nichirin blade, which then remembered that she no longer had it with her. She then bit her lips as she proceeded to climb up the stage with ease, and managed to dodge the attack of the demon.

"[name], stand behind me," Tanjiro called out as he started to protect [name]. His eyes widened and so did hers as they realized on either side of the stage, there were demons as well. [name] then gripped onto Tanjiro's outfit tightly as she started to tremble with fear.

"Evacuate the area!" Tanjiro yelled out and the innocent lives started to run away. Which he then find it odd, for he believed demons would feast on any human beings in the first place. So why were these demons hunting for [name], and solely her only?

"I don't have my blade with me..." he muttered out and soon he watched as [name] started to run away once more. He turned and tried to reach out to her, only to grasp nothing but the air.

"[NAME]!" he yelled out and watched as [name] hopped down from the stage and ran out of the town, heading for the forest.

"Where's [name]?!" Makio shouted, and Tanjiro pointed to the direction.

"DEMONS ARE AFTER HER!" and Tengen's wives' eyes widened when they heard what Tanjiro had said and they quickly proceeded to run down the path that [name] had taken.

[name] quickly dodged the attacks of the demons, clearly unsure of how to fend for herself right now. Her eyes widened when she nearly bumped into another demon that appeared before her and she quickly pulled herself to a halt, ready to turn to the side and run, only to feel herself being pulled back.

Her dark blue ocean eyes were then covered, and [name] could hear the familiar heartbeat of the former Mist Hashira.

"Breath of Mist, Second Form: Eight Layered Mist!" and [name] could feel the raging breeze coming from his attacks, and soon he removed his hands from her eyes. [name]'s eyes then widened at the blood-splattered that happened and soon felt Muichiro's arms around her waist.

He then turned her and brought her in for a tight hug.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, which [name] could only shake her head in response as she leaned her head against his chest. Muichiro then lightly patted her on the back as he could feel her trembling slightly.

"It's alright now. You're safe now," and [name] withdrew from the hug as she heard the familiar echoes of a particular former Sound Hashira. She then turned and her dark blue ocean eyes widened at the sad look which Uzui Tengen had on his face.

"Tengen-nii-sama..." she whispered out, and Tengen could only bring [name] into a hug as he started to apologize to her.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry you had to go through that..." he whispered out.



"It has been confirmed. Somewhere, Kibutsuji Muzan is trying to return," Kiriya spoke out as he had assembled every demon slayer that was present in the vicinity. His eyes then wandered towards [name] who was seen in the line of Hashiras, and he couldn't help but let his heartache a little.

[name]'s dark blue ocean eyes then shifted a little as she looked at Tengen who had his hands balled into fists as he placed them against the ground. She could see the slight tremble it had, and she could tell.

He was worried right now.

"As Kibutsuji Muzan's goal was to obtain the blue spider lily, we have in fact the exact details of where it has been located at," murmurs were soon heard and Sanemi started to scowl, only to have [name] grabbing hold on him by the wrist, not letting him stand up and start hurling profanities.

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