06. Sentimental

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Tengen had on a bitter smile as his back faced the Shadow Estate, where [name] was currently residing in. He was soon dispatched on a mission given by Kiriya to help locate the place where Kibusuji Muzan was hiding right now, waiting for the right time to attack.

He sighed as he soon walked away, having the deep sense of guilt residing in his heart as he felt irresponsible for not being by her side when she wakes up.


[name]'s eyes slowly opened and she groaned slightly. She looked around with her dark blue ocean eyes, and could only have it widen in process. She gently raised her hand up and touched the right side of her face, caressing the area near her right eye.

"I can't see anything..." [name] whispered out, and soon turned her body slightly as she reached out. A sad smile appeared on her lips as she could feel the hand of the particular person, or rather, demon, in the same room as her.

"Yushiro-kun, why is there a bandage over my eyes?" [name] asked, and she could hear Yushiro sighing slightly. She could feel the sad look he had in his lavender eyes, and [name] could only press her lips into a thin line.

"Your eyes were bleeding earlier on, I had no choice but to bandage it to stop it from bleeding," Yushiro spoke out, and [name] could only continue to allow the gentle smile on her face to remain as Yushiro gently caressed her fingers.

"How do you feel?" he asked, and [name] turned a little, and he could tell that she had winced slightly as her body tensed up.

"In a lot of pain..." she whispered out and soon felt Yushiro's entire hand holding her hand as he gently caressed the back of it with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this," he mumbled out, and [name] could only chuckle out a little.

"Do you miss her?" [name] whispered out, and Yushiro's lavender eyes widened slightly.

"I do..." he mumbled out, knowing well that she was referring to Tamayo who had sacrificed herself years ago. [name] then smiled a little more as she soon raised her hand up gently, and Yushiro then bend down, leaning into her touch.

"I miss her too..." she whispered out, and Yushiro couldn't help but chuckle a little as he grabbed hold of [name]'s hand in his once more, and whispered to himself.

"If ever there is a time where I can meet you in a world where I'm healthy, I will be contented to love you instead," he whispered to himself, and he noticed [name] chuckling a little.

"That's so sweet of you, Yushiro-kun," [name] mumbled out and soon drifted off to sleep once more as Yushiro had injected her secretly with a numbing medicine, allowing her to be able to rest and recover from the shocking healing abilities of the Blue Spider Lily.

"Tamayo-san... Did I do the right thing...?" he whispered out as he looked at [name]. His hand reached out and gently caressed her face as a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

"You were the first human, who had ever been so kind to me. You really taught me to look differently at the world, I really appreciate it. And in return, I'll ensure you fully recover," he whispered out.

"What about Kamado-san?" [name] whispered out and Yushiro's lavender eyes widened when he realized [name] had yet to fall asleep. A deep blush appeared across his face and [name] could only softly giggle.

"Well... At least I managed to make a positive impact on you," she whispered out.


Tengen could only sigh as he walked back towards the entrance of the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters. His lips pressed into a fine thin line as he trudged his slightly wounded body towards the entrance. His fuchsia-colored eyes then laid upon his wives who were waiting for his return, yet, the lingering sadness remains.

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