05. Oranges

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[name] woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She soon sat up in her futon and her dark blue ocean eyes weren't fully opened. Her long brown hair was slightly messy, and soon she heard her room door slid open. Her eyes then shifted as she turned to look at who had entered.

Suma then smiled as she looked at [name] who had just woken up.

"Good morning, [name]!" and [name] nodded a little, still sleepy. Suma watched as [name]'s body tilts forward, and soon her forehead was placed on the futon, with her back bending forward.

"Morning... Suma-nee-sama..." [name] mumbled out as her head was still tucked down. Suma then giggled slightly as she made her way towards where [name] was and pulled her up, making her sit up straight.

"Ara, [name]! Come on, don't stay in bed all day," Suma spoke out and [name] made no movements of budging. The door to her room then slammed open, and [name] jerked up with her eyes opened wide a little.

"I'M UP!" [name] called out as she spotted Makio entering the room, and a smile appeared on the hot-headed wife of Tengen, as she watched [name] immediately getting up from her futon and running out of her room, heading to wash up.

Suma then pouts slightly as she looked at Makio who could only sigh and shake her head in response with the smile still visible on her face.

"At least she gets up quickly now," Makio spoke out, and Suma could only smile in response as the duo was seen leaving [name]'s room and heading to meet up with Hinatsuru who was preparing breakfast for them.

[name] was soon seen in Tengen's room as he had called upon her. His fuchsia-colored eyes chuckled at how sleepy she looked and soon motioned for her to come over. She then did, and soon she sat down in front of him as he proceeded to dry her hair.

[name] then watched from the mirror, a smile plastered on her face as she looked at how careful Tengen was being when dealing with her hair.

"Are we going anywhere today?" [name] asked as Tengen proceeded to comb through her brown locks, a familiar scene she would often see when she was much younger then.

"Since Kiriya-sama has yet to announce the missions, why not we just have a relaxing day instead?" Tengen suggested and [name] hummed in response. Their ears then perked up as they heard running footsteps, and Tengen immediately covered [name]'s ears.

His room door was slammed open from the patio and there stood the ever so bright Flame Hashira together with Senjuro as well, and Tengen could tell that Senjuro was pulled by Kyojuro as the latter was panting slightly.

"LET'S HAVE ORANGES!" Kyojuro yelled out and [name] blinked in confusion as Tengen had stopped covering her ears then. The duo then looked at each other, and could only shrug their shoulders in response.

"Where?" Tengen asked, and almost immediately did he regret as he was then tugged by Kyojuro, who happened to grab hold of [name] as well and pulled them out of the Sound Estate, with Senjuro chasing after them.

"Nii-san! [name] isn't allowed to run so much!" Senjuro called out as he picked up [name]'s footwear and Tengen's footwear along the way, running after his brother once more.

"Ah, my feet," [name] called out and that got Kyojuro to stop pulling the Sound Hashira and Light Hashira. He then stopped and watched as Tengen immediately squats down as Senjuro came running towards them.

"Nii-san!" Senjuro called out in a scolding manner, and soon quickly handed the footwear to Tengen who then prioritized [name]'s feet first, slipping on the footwear as her feet had slight cuts on them.

"Alright! Let's go!" Tengen called out once he was done with wearing his own footwear and soon picked [name] up easily. Carrying her on one arm just like how he had always done when she was much smaller.

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