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Klaus' pov

Ayla was upset.

Her facial expressions make it evident when she is. She would pass a fake smile and avoid eye contact in such situations. She was currently talking to Chris and I didn't feel like interrupting the two. As soon as I saw Chris retreating, I made my way towards Ayla but Chris stopped me mid-way.

"Man, I think Ayla's mad at me." He expressed and I felt so too.

"Just give her some time, you know she can't stay mad at anyone for long."  I revealed.

"Also, I need your help. Can you arrange a Math tutor for me? I missed over a month of school and I can manage the rest of the subjects but Math is something I'll never understand." He explained.

"Well, you know who's the best. It's Ayla. No one can teach better than her." I always felt like a proud parent, showing off her grades and boasting about her.

"Can you please ask her for me? Please, please, please," He insisted and I gave in.

"Fine, I'll talk to her. Plus, she's super sweet so I know she won't refuse."

"Oh God, you even talk like her now. 'Super' is usually what she uses- you know super happy, super sad, like an alternative for 'very'. Gosh, you two are my OTP." He spoke and I smiled. I hadn't even realised when I had started talking like her and adopting some of her mannerisms.

"Also, how long has it been since you two are together?" He questioned.

"3 months." 3 amazing months. And hopefully months would change to years that we would spend together.

"Wow man that's great!" Chris replied.

"It's good to have you back brother." I hugged him. He wasn't my biological brother but I considered him as one as we practically grew up together. We used to be neighbours and our parents were pretty close too which resulted in us having a very strong bond.

"Chris! Oh my God Klaus!" We saw Chris' mother approaching us. I gave her a hug since she was like my mother.

"Look at you, you've changed so much. You look so slim and smart, my handsome boy." She complimented me. She had always treated me as her own son.

"And this stupid boy." She hit Chris on the back of his head. "I have been calling him since like half an hour."

"Ma! It wasn't my fault. It was Klaus who stopped me and wanted to talk to me." Chris blamed it all on me and I stared at him wide-eyed. Chris looked at me pleadingly to cover him up this time.

His mother faced me and her face softened. "If it's because of Klaus then it's okay." She cupped one of my cheek. "Also, I heard about you and Ayla, I'm so happy for the two of you. You both look perfect together. Your ma would've loved her." She finished and I passed a small smile.

Chris and his mom sensed my discomfort at this topic and then decided to change it. "Please talk some sense into this boy's head too so he finds a good girl for himself and sticks to her." That was Chris' mum.

"Ma! Let me live a little. YOLO." He countered back and I smiled.

I looked back towards the garden and Ayla wasn't there anymore which made me worry.

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