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Klaus' pov

Tonight was game night and all of Ayla's friends were invited to my place. We have it every once in two weeks and its a fun way to pass time and forget about all the stress in life. Some days we play outdoor games such as baseball, basketball or badminton- badminton being Ayla's favourite. And sometimes we play indoor games like cards, ludo, scrabble or monopoly.

Game nights usually end up with a fight- mostly between Chris and Ayla, because Chris and Jay would cheat and Ayla is extremely against cheating. And also, Ayla hates losing. So if God forbid she loses, she throws the biggest tantrum and then I have to go console her. Although, I don't mind, I actually enjoy consoling her.

It was around 8:00pm when everyone arrived. Usually Ayla would hug me whenever she sees me but when she's with her friends, she's shy and resorts to a wave and a smile.

"So we've decided, today we'll play Trump- a card game. Beth and Jay don't like it so they won't play. It's girls vs boys, so Stace and I and you and Chris." Ayla instructed and I just nodded.

I got the playing cards and Ayla explained the rules with a warning to Chris regarding cheating.

As the cards were distributed, Chris started using his various tactics of cheating. He would whisper, use hand gestures, show his cards to me and even sent me a picture of his cards.

"Chris, I swear I'll throw my cards and then I won't let anyone play." Ayla threatened him and he started to behave.

"Klaus, at least give me SOME kind of hint as to whether you can support me or not." Chris whined from the other hand to which Ayla retorted, "Klaus, I swear if you cheat, no hugs for a week."

And as soon as the words left her mouth, she turned crimson because she didn't realise that her friends were around. Although I'd say, Ayla's threat was pretty good since I literally love her hugs. Hugs over anything.

"Stace! You're supposed to throw your highest card! What are you doing!" Ayla would constantly scold Stacy. Poor Stacy though, I know Ayla can be super competitive when it comes to games which is why we need to calm her down in such situations. But even Chris is no less. Just when we were about to lose, Chris goes like, "What man, this game is so boring. You have a pool table in your house right? Let's play 8 ball pool!" Leaving Ayla fuming.

"Chris always does this! I hate him!" Ayla would scream and pout. She looks so adorable and kissable when she pouts, it's too hard to resist. As Chris and Jay went downstairs to play, Beth came to us.

"Guys, I need your help, tomorrow Jay and I complete one year of our relationship and I really want to surprise him in some way. What should I do?" She asked and I was really happy to hear about them.

"Oh oh oh, you should decorate a room with candles, fairy lights and pictures, get him like a cake, some flowers, a gift of your choice." Ayla suggested. She's always so excited about such things. I can't wait for the day when Ayla and I would complete a year and then I would surprise her as well.

"But where do I do all these arrangements? My house is currently under renovation and he lives in a joint family. And I want it to be somewhere different. In a calm and serene environment." Beth told us.

"You guys can use my beach house. It would be romantic plus there wouldn't be anyone to disturb the two of you." I chimed in and Beth seemed pleased with my suggestion.

"I want to go to the beach too! It's been so long, plus I got this new cute swimsuit which I'll be able to wear. I swear we won't disturb the two of you Beth." Ayla spoke and Beth didn't seem to have a problem.

"Yay!" She squealed as Beth agreed.

"Can't wait to see you in the swimsuit." I whispered in her ear and saw her redden.
Beth and Stace went downstairs to Chris and Jay to give Ayla and I come privacy. She held my hand before she spoke, "K-bear, it was really nice of you to help out Beth."

"She's your friend. And I know seeing your friends happy makes you happy. Besides she did a lot to help me out to be with you, so just returning the favour." I answered.

"Oh God! Beth, Chris and Mike were like your minions, constantly pestering me to talk to you." She reminisced and I laughed at the memory.

The two of us went downstairs hand in hand and then Ayla went to the girls as Chris approached me.

"So Stace told me about the beach plan. Mind if I invite a girl?" He asked and I just raised an eye brow.

"Please man. I swear she's different. She's so pretty, she's got such a nice voice and she's every guy's dream." He argued.

"Not mine, I've only got eyes for Ayla." I retorted.

"See, I want a relationship like you and Ayla. Two people so invested in each other, I see the way you two talk about each other and I'm just like damn." He spoke about us and I felt my heart swell with happiness.

"Fine, bring her along. But treat her well, it's time for you to change man. Leave your playboy ways." I told him and he just beamed in happiness.

As I moved my eyes away from Chris, I saw Ayla and Beth at the pool table, with Beth in the lead and Ayla with a scowl on her face.

"Need some help my love?"

"Yes please." She answered with a puppy dog face.

"And what will I get if you win." I teased her with a smirk on my face.

"What do you want?" She answered back, teasing me in return.

"Fine, if Beth loses then I get a kiss and if you lose then I get to kiss you." I whispered in her ear and initially her reaction was normal. But that was before she realised what I said.

"Klaus!" She mewled and I just laughed. I instructed her how to aim and how to position herself.

"Klaus did you see that! I scored two of them in one shot!" She screamed in victory.

"Now where's my kiss?" I pulled her leg and she just gave me one on the cheek and ran off.

Should I write up some chapters about Klaus and Ayla before they got into a relationship? Let me know!

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