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Klaus' pov

"Klaus! Klaus! Klaus!" Mike repeatedly called out my name to get me out of my daze. I was going frantic, I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I was stuck in a state was emptiness, losing my touch with reality and so close to letting go.

Landon called me and told me dad was involved in an accident and my heart sank. Dad had been my pillar of strength after mom's demise. He taught me everything and made me the person I was today. Dad had been through so much but still smiled through the pain for Landon and I. Unfortunately I was out of the city at that moment and wasn't able to be by his side.

"Mike we have to go back. Right now." I told him hurriedly and he constantly told me to calm down. But I couldn't calm down. I didn't know why all these bad things were happening but I prayed that things would get better.

"Why? What's wrong? But Klaus you know how important this meeting is. We flew here urgently for this." Mike countered but he didn't know about dad's accident. If he knew about it, he wouldn't have said such a thing because he knew how much my family meant to me. I decided to tell him and he arranged for the first flight for me to leave.

"These business deals will come and go. You'll get a million other business deals but not another father. Go." He hugged me as I tried to stay strong and prevented my tears from falling.

I grew agitated and worrisome by each passing minute and constantly prayed that dad would be fine. Landon's last message was that dad was in the ICU and he had told me that he would keep me updated.

I couldn't lose dad. He taught me how to walk, how to clean, how to cook, how to drive, how to deal with different people, everything. He would always take my side and scold Landon, even if it was my fault. He knew about my obsession with cars and got me every single one I liked before I could afford them myself. He was my best friend with whom I could share everything without hesitation.

I was put at ease when Landon informed me that dad was out of danger and awake. What was a good sight to see as I reached the hospital was that my girlfriend was on my dad's side and helping him out. I hugged him first thing and then I passed Ayla a smile.

"I'm so glad you're okay. How'd you get in this accident? Landon don't tell me you were driving." I asked and glared at Landon who raised his hands in defeat.

"No no, this poor guy was at home. I was driving myself." Dad revealed and I scolded him, "Why didn't you take the driver? You should take care!"

"I was going to meet your mom and then this happened. Maybe God took it in the literal sense and wanted to unite me with her again." Dad was half-joking and I frowned. I knew that dad was incomplete and lonely after mom's death but he tried his best not to show it to us. He tried his best to fill the emptiness caused by the loss of mom and played the role of a father and a mother.

"You were right son." He spoke as he eyed Ayla and I understood what he meant. I had told dad a lot about Ayla and I told him that he will like her one day. This was like an approval from him and his approval meant a lot to me. I knew it was bound to happen because it's impossible not to like Ayla, I mean she's perfect.

The next two weeks, dad was admitted in the hospital, I stayed with him and Ayla would come and visit every alternative day. She would get our favourite food for us and my dad and I would look forward to it every single time. My dad became a fan of her food instantly and would steal some of mine too some days and I would let him.

Unfortunately, Ayla and I were unable to spend time together because of this so I made sure that the day dad got discharged, I would spend the night at Ayla's, but I did instruct Landon to take care of dad.

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