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A little something before the chapter for all my lovely readers (yeah all three of you!)

A little something before the chapter for all my lovely readers (yeah all three of you!)

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Klaus' pov

"Why do you want to have this party in the first place?" I asked Landon as he walked into my office.

"Come on, I came back from Australia, that calls for a party!" Landon emphasised and I just passed a smile. "Invite your girl and tell her to bring her friends. Especially the girls." He winked and told me a list of all the people who were coming. He couldn't have a party at dad's place because dad couldn't tolerate the noise although he wasn't really against parties.

I messaged Ayla telling her about the party and told her and I would pick her up at 8. A day earlier I met Ayla's parents and they were the best. Especially Ayla's mom. Ayla told me how her mom had had miscarriages and always wanted a son. So now I was like her son. That made me feel extremely giddy since it was like a second chance to have a mother. Her father, on the other hand, interrogated me to no end but that's okay I guess.

Ayla loved to colour co-ordinate so we both decided to wear white. I waited for her outside my car and then she walked out of her apartment complex. With a long black off-shoulder dress and heels. She looked incredibly sexy, I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"How about we skip the party and stay in your apartment?" I suggested in a teasing tone and she just shied away.

"Oh come on, I didn't get ready for nothing." She replied sitting in the car. I leaned down to her ear, "It won't be for nothing." As she realised what I meant, she pushed me back and closed the door. I sat next to her and drove off.

"Klaus, can you do me a favour?" She questioned and I nodded. "Can we please pick Stace?"

"This is not a favour my love. Can you tell me her address?" She told me Stacy's address and we picked her up.

"Only for you Ayla, only for you I left my bed and dressed up." Stacy complained as she sat in the car. "Whose party is it anyways?"

"It's a welcome back party for my brother. Come on we're here." As I spoke, I saw the shocked expression of Stacy who just stared at Ayla. We exited the car and I heard the girls speaking rapidly.

"Ayla! I need to go back home, I can't meet him." Stacy spoke and I was confused.

"Well well well who do we have here." I saw my brother walking up to us but he stopped as soon as he saw Stacy. "Stace I-" He started to say but she walked away and my brother followed her.

"I screwed up Klaus." Ayla's face paled and I cupped her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she told me all about Stacy and Landon.

"They'll be fine." I consoled her and then we joined the party. Ayla loosened up after a while after we met up with Beth and Jay and played a few games. I met up with some of my friends meanwhile.

But all of a sudden, all hell broke loose when a girl came up and hugged me. In front of Ayla.

"Klaus! I missed you so much! You've changed so much! And I like your body!" She spoke as soon as I pushed her away. I recognised the girl and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Ayla eyed me suspiciously and I was just left speechless.

"Hi I'm Ayla, Klaus' girlfriend. And you are?" Ayla intervened and introduced herself.

"Oh so you're the Ayla. I'm surprised Klaus didn't tell you about me. I'm Vivian. Klaus and I went on a date long time ago. I have to admit it was the best date ever. I sort of regret that I let you go that day." She spoke and I wanted the floor to eat me right now. I wanted to disappear because Ayla kept staring at me and I didn't know what to say.

"Um Vivian, would you excuse us, something important came up, please enjoy the party." I spoke hurriedly and pulled Ayla with me inside my room.

Now I had screwed up really bad because Ayla looked extremely upset. I held her hands and looked into her eyes.

"I promise you Ayla, there was nothing between us. It was just one date and I told you about her. It was before we go into a relationship. It was all Mike's fault." I told her and she just laughed in response.

"K-bear, you're too cute. I'm not upset because of that. As a matter of fact, I felt happy when she said that you were her best date because at the end of the day you're mine. Plus, I do remember you told me about her. I stalked her the whole night on social media." She revealed and I felt relieved.

"Oh man, for once I thought that you may be jealous." I teased and she just smiled.

"But there is something I want to tell you, but you have to promise me you won't hurt anyone." She spoke and I immediately got alarmed.

"What happened, did someone do something? I'm sorry but I can't promise anything." I couldn't suppress my anger when it came to Ayla.

"You know why people lie? Because they're afraid of consequences. And I can't tell you the truth if you react in such a way." She reasoned and I tried to stay calm.

"You remember the guy I told you about? The one who liked me before you. His name is Harry and I met him here. Today." She began and I instantly remembered him. That bastard who that the audacity to abuse my Ayla. Ayla held my hand to calm me down but all I wanted to do was beat that guy up.

"He apologised for what he said to me all those years back. He's changed now and we had a nice conversation. I forgave him, we're friends now." She completed and I broke free my hand from hers.

"What do you mean 'we're friends now'? How dare he talk to you in the first place? He doesn't deserve this!" I lashed out and left my room. Ayla rushed after me and sensing all the tension she just kissed me. In front of everyone. I kissed her back with the same intensity, my anger simmering down.

But I hadn't forgotten about the Harry guy. He was going to pay for every single thing he said to my precious baby girl.

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