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"Hyung I'm fine you don't have to walk me in" Beomgyu blushes from embarrassment. Not because he's seen with his brother, but because Yoongi decided to show up in a whole suit and tie.

'Why? He's just walking me in!' Beomgyu trips over one of his crutches but his brother skillfully grabs him. He's used to the blondes clumsiness.

"Where is your classroom?"

"On the second floor, but I can manage"

"Let's go"


Huening Kai enters his classroom early before class. His dad brought his early today so he was pissed off more than usual. He didn't even bother with his hair today, leaving it flat, his bangs covering a good part of his face.

When Yoongi walks in he sees Kai and his first thought is 'oh an emo kid! How the heck do you talk to those?'

"Hey you"

Kai turns his head to look at the blonde haired man

"What?" Yoongi makes a face and looks conflicted

"Well I was just- I'm sorry I'm not sure if you're looking at me or not because your eyes are all covered"

"I'm not"

"You're a rude little-"

"Hello can I help you?" Jimin asks the stranger in his classroom.

"Y-yea..." Yoongi clears his throat, suddenly feeling flustered by the beautiful human in front of him "..Beomgyu"


"I'm his guardian- big brother to be more specific I'm not old enough to be a dad, but if I was people say that I'm a... I'm.. I'm here to talk about something with you regarding him" Jimin smiles

"Okay! How do you feel about discussing this over lunch?"

Yoongi is more than okay with this "yeah that's totally fine"


One good thing about Beomgyus sprained ankls is that he's allowed to leave 5 minutes early to get to class and pretty much anywhere else so he wouldn't have to get caught during the passing period crowd.

Also, him leaving early meant that Felix and Jisung couldn't catch him.

He knew when the time came, they wouldn't be nice to him. He's managed to avoid any violent harassment but he wasn't sure how much longer he would stay lucky.

Well, study hall was approaching, and Mr Jung dismisses the blonde five minutes early. He was halfway out the door when he hears Felix.

"Mr can I go to the bathroom?"

"There literally five minutes left!"

Beomgyu has to stop to tie his shoe and it took him a while because he had trouble squatting too long. Finally he starts walking again.

He hears footsteps following him. As Beomgyu passes the schools trophy case he sees Felix's reflection in the trophy's behind him.

The bell rings and in seconds the halls begin its rush. Beomgyu moves faster, his crutches making it more difficult, and the crowd was unhelpful and stiff.

Felix shoves everyone out of the way, he's so close that he's mere centimeters away from grabbing the back of the blonde shirts, but a group of girls come out of the restroom together and cross Felix's path. This causes him to lose sight of the blonde. His eyes scan the area, no sign of his target.

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