From the Beginning

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Abby Kom Azgeda
Azgeda and the 11 clans have been at war for years but Queen Nia won't fight them yet. She says she needs a night blood before she can sacrifice her warriors in case she dies. But what she doesn't know is that one of my children is a natblida. Her name is Clarke and she is only two years old. I will not have her train to be a warrior yet and neither will my husband Jake. So we hid her from the outside world. Until one day there was a fire. Everyone ran outside pushing each other. Queen Nia demanded that everyone in our village will have to line up and get checked out. That is when she saw Clarke will black blood. Queen Nia grabbed her and took her. "STOP! SHE IS ONLY A BABY.DONT TAKE HER!" Is all I heard from my husband. "I BEG OF YOU! AT LEAST TAKE HER BROTHER. IT WAS US! DONT BLAME OUR CHILDREN". All I thought of was my two year old daughter and 5 year old son. I knew we would be executed but Queen Nia wasn't that heartless. She will allow Lincoln to live with Clarke in the palace and raise them as her own. I kissed my husband and then felt the knife in my heart. With my last breath I told my husband I loved him and watched his head get cut off. "yu gonplei ste odon" (your fight is over) And then it all went dark.

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