vent chapter

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True events, only in the form of Peter and diff ppl because I need to let this shit out, and I need to write a  chapter because I promised one for Feb and its April...

Tw/ swearing, mentions of depressive episodes, anxeity and suicide

Peter groaned as he flopped onto the couch, phone in hand, looking completely dead inside. In the room with him was natasha, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Bad day?" She asked, crossing her legs and sinking into the armchair.

"More like bad year. Seriously, this shit is exhausting!" Peter dramatically sighed, dropping his phone onto the floor accidentally. Nat managed to look at the screen, which consisted of a lot of angry messages. She made eye contact with him, and leaned forward.

"Tell me everything"

"Shit, i dont know where to start. Uhhhh, so like last February I met a really good friend, Alice, on this app wattpad. She was really nice, but she struggled with mental health, like me, but worse. I tried to help her as best I could, and I got her email for desperate times when wattpad wasnt working properly. I loved her like a friend, she was sweet, nice, caring and introduced me to My Chemical Romance, which by the way yaas, and we were there for each other.

Then, like, in June, me and my music class took a trip to venice, and Alice had told me she was leaving wattpad the week before. It was abrupt, different time zones made it hard for us to have a conversation at the same time. It was fine, though, as I had her email. Any who, whilst in venice, somebody made an account telling me and a couple of others that she had killed herself, and that we were to blame. I instantly told them otherwise, I mean, how could we be to blame, we were there for her! And she even told me I was the only one who actually cared about her, I was there when others were not. So the person running the "Goodbye Alice" account genuinely started attacking me, saying I should "go die in a hole" because I had her email( to which she never responded), and calling me a whore and shit. And, my mental health was quite bad then, so I took it personally and had a mental breakdown at 12am in front of people I was rooming with, which was embarrassing.

So I took a turn for the worst mentally, and spent all of summer just feeling numb and isolated and just overall done with life. I took a break from wattpad, and reached out to an online support group via email. I didn't care whether I died. I just wanted to disappear. And that was the time my anxeity started developing, which was not fun.

I was also in a group chat at the time, it was a protection squad for one of the characters from a film we all liked, who is a cinnamon roll! A lot of the people in said chat were really nice and caring, and i trusted them all. Like with Alice, we all helped each other with our problems (and none of us were straight. Like at all). That group chat literally is one of the reasons I'm still here.

Any who, in about August ish, this guy, Damian, asked me out, and I said yes. So we were dating for a couple months, apparently we were cute? I dont know. But T H E N, Damian cheated on me with this other girl, literally about 2 weeks into our 3 ish month relationship. I wasnt told until after we broke up. Damian started telling me what I could/couldn't do, and started whining when I had to go to rehearsal. My naive brain just thought it was normal, which is actually kind of sad looking back. Yeah, so I lost a lot of close friendships because of that.

So we broke up, and I was alone. I started listening to darker music and I stopped trusting everyone. I was so scared that everyone hated me, which led on to me having an average of 3 mental breakdowns and 2 panic attacks per day. It was bad.

So a lot of things happened at the same time. One of my most trusted friends, Samantha, started bitching about me and 2 of my friends, Alfie and Nia. She tried to protest it wasnt about us, but the evidence matched up 100%. And this did not help my anxeity. Cuz like, if someone who I had 100% trust in, someone who I sacrificed relationships with close friends for, could betray me like that, then everyone was capable of it, and I hated it. Heck, even my teachers noticed a change in my attitudes towards school.

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