Chapter 12

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"Michael? I wasn't expecting to hear from you"
I'm wide awake now.

"Uh yeah it's me. How are you?"

My heart is beating out of my chest despite the fact that I'm upset with him. My body still reacts to his voice wether I like it or not.

"Could be better. Back to my regular routine." I miss you is what I wanted to say, but I can't cave like that.

"I miss you Kay. I know I left you in the dark not keeping in touch."

"Yes you sure did" I rolled my eyes waiting on what kind of excuse he was going to give me.

"There's no excuse for it. I was upset you didn't come with me. I was being selfish and I'm sorry." My anger immediately left me. That's all I wanted. An apology.

"I forgive you Michael. I was gonna cuss your ass out, but since you didn't beat around the bush and apologized I guess we're cool" He let out a laugh. That beautiful contagious laugh. I let out a small giggle.

"Thank you for not cussing me out. I was calling because I'm on break from tour and wanted to see you."

"I'm up for it. When did you want to see me?"

"I'm in Sydney right now. I was wondering if you wanted to come to me? Have a mini vacation with me?"

Well I'll be damned. I can't say no this time. I have to compromise too it isn't like his job allows him to just drop everything he's touring.

"Babygirl you  still there?"

"Oh. Yeah sorry I was thinking about something."

"So what do you say? Will you come?"

"Yes I would love to spend some time with you in Sydney. I just have to tie up some loose ends here before I go."

"Is today good enough to do that? I kind of already booked your flight for tonight."

"You're lucky it's Saturday over here and I don't work on weekends. I'll figure it out."

"I'll leave you to it. I can't wait to see you"

"I can't wait to see you either. I'll talk to you soon"


Ending the call I got out of bed and did a happy dance. Can I be woken up like this everyday?!

I began packing my things. Essentials and hygiene. My makeup, hair products, clothes, bathing suits, sunglasses, lingerie (hello you all know what is going down in Sydney)

Taking a quick shower and throwing something quick on I looked around my apartment.

"I need to notify my job and have Raeanne babysit my place while I'm gone. Is there anything else I need to do before I go?"

Thinking I needed a wax and a mani pedi I grabbed my keys and headed out of my apartment. Yes it's been 2 months since down below has had a wax. That is a must.

I texted Raeanne to meet me at the salon so I can fill her in on everything.

I pulled in to the salons parking lot and waited for my best friend.

Getting out of my car after spotting her pull up.

"Hey bitch! I got the tea for you hurry up" grabbing my bag and locking my car I meet her halfway as we walk into the salon.

"Hey cinnamon apple"

"Hey cotton candy"

We both laugh and sit down as we wait to be called.

"So spill the beans bitch what happened?"

"Michael called me today"

I watched her smile grow on her face and she let out her infamous giggle.

"Oh really now? What for? Some more hot steamy sex?"
I laughed and shook my head.

"Bitch you're sick, but he invited me to Sydney for a vacation. This is where you come into play. I need you to house sit and drive me to the airport. I leave tonight"

"Woah that was a lot of information. I'm in you already know that, but what exactly happened when he called?"

"He apologized for ghosting me and said he was on break and wanted to see me. So here I am waxing this cat cause you know I need it."

"Oh yes ms kitty is way over due for a wax" I slapped her arm

"Don't do me like that man"
Hearing our names be called we entered the room and undressed from the waste down. Getting ready for the worst pain of our lives. Beauty is pain.

Hey loves! Here's another update. Stay tuned 💕

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