14. Magdalenea

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Hello There!

Short chapter this time, lucky you (lucky me!). All I can really say is pay close attention, this is probably the last of Beans' exposition-ish chapters. After this, there are a lot of references to things that may have seemed insignificant in other chapters but find meaning coming up. 

Comment, comment, comment! 

I love you guys, Happy reading!


We rode in uncomfortable silence through Manhattan mid-afternoon traffic. It was a slow-moving ride. Both physically and emotionally.

"Mother I-" I sheepishly began.

"Magdalenea Elise, not another word you hear me. Not another word," she said, as she typed quickly into her phone.

Mr. Anderson looked at me through the rearview mirror quizzically; I shrugged in response. I didn't know why my mother was all set off like this. I'd never seen her so agitated. "Mother." I protested.

"What did I tell you?" she shot back.

"It's not fair. Just jerking me out of there, dragging me into the car. I still had half a session left! You had no right!"

"I certainly had a right. When my daughter is conducting very dangerous exercises, in an inappropriate environment. Do you know how badly you could've been hurt? How badly could Estelle've been hurt? That was not the time to try that, not that there is any time worth trying shapeshifting." she scolded. She was angry, but that wasn't it. There was something else there, something that I couldn't put my finger on.

Of course, I was angry as well. I don't have many options, being a kid like myself. I don't have a lot of people in my life; I barely have what someone would qualify a life as in the first place. And after what, a few weeks? She just barges in and kicks me out of the only form of excitement I've had in a long time. As much as I roll my eyes and protest, my sessions with Estelle are nothing if not entertaining. And since the whole ballet thing, it's got me wondering what and if I can do anything else.

But then it struck me, how did she know that's what I was doing? I mean, to the best of my knowledge, I hadn't changed at all. And if I'd been watching myself do that, I would have no idea what to think. I especially wouldn't think shapeshifting. As I mulled over this and pondered on what my mother called "what I had done" Mr. Anderson drove us home, the ride returning to silence.

We got home, Mother pushed me inside, and we rode up into the elevator. She wheeled me right into the White Room, and jabbed me with the IV and left without a word. I felt like I was being shunned.

Minutes went by, which turned into hours. Mother came in to change my medication and bring me pills to swallow and saltines to eat. I dozed off, and when I woke up, it was dinner time.

I rolled into the kitchen expecting to see my Mother looking upset, but she was nowhere to be found. Instead, Leo and Eddie were watching cartoons in the living room, the table was set, and the food was in the oven. It was as if my mother had just left the room. Which was good for me, saved me from one of her nasty looks.

"Beans!" Eddie yelped, as she saw me. She bounced over the back of the couch and clambered into my lap, throwing her arms around me. I couldn't help but let a smile claim my face. My little sister was like a ball of sunshine. She had dark hair and green eyes, and constantly had the biggest smile on her face, bigger than any smile I could muster. She kept us all on our toes. Her first words were curse words, probably from hanging out with my father most of the day, and she talked nonstop. She looked all cute and innocent, but she loved to cause trouble. It kept my parents on their toes, and I found her antics hilarious.

"Hey, Eddie," I said, hugging her back. She smelled good, probably just got out of the bathtub. "Leo, where's Mom?" My brother shrugged, his eyes still fixed to the television screen. "Leo?" I asked again.

He groaned and turned around, looking at me as if I'd just mauled his favorite teddy bear. "She's on the patio talking on the phone. shhh!" he demanded, immediately returning to his show.

I rolled my eyes. My brother was a happy-go-lucky kind of person, except when he was in front of a screen. He was obsessed about his cartoons; he'd do anything to watch another episode including ripping a piece of Eddie's hair out when she'd suggested they watch one of her shows. He usually did his own thing, he'd just gotten into fencing and golf. The only thing he truly despised was Eddie; they fought like cats and dogs constantly. The nannies were instructed to keep them apart as much as possible. But they always found a way to tear each other to shreds.

Eddie snuggled on my lap, sucking on her thumb as she returned her attention to her show. For a few minutes, I felt like I was just a big sister. Of course, until my father came home.

He was silent when he came up the elevator, which was unusual. Usually, he came in and threw his arms open, and Eddie would tackle him to the ground. He'd laugh loudly, and give Mom a big kiss. He'd twirl me around in my wheelchair, and ruffle Leo's hair. It was all a vibrant show; it was who he was at heart. But today he was silent.

I felt his footsteps until he was standing directly behind me. "Leo, please take your sister downstairs. Mrs. Forete has dinner and a movie all prepared for you," he said to them. Eddie squealed and hopped up, racing to the elevator as fast as her little legs would take her. Leo groaned but turned his show off anyways. Clutching Eddie's hand and stepping into the elevator.

My mother returned from the patio as if on cue, her face was raw and red with tears. Immediately I had a feeling of dread settled over me. This wasn't going to be good. She and my father walked over and sat on the couch in front of me, they held hands and stared deep into my eyes as if I'd suddenly give in to their whims. I would not.

"Beans. Your mother and I need to talk to you." My father said.

And then everything changed. 


Where is Mr. O when we need him! Ugh!

Don't worry he'll be back soon, and so will Campion and a new...friend? Stay Tuned!



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