15. Campion

38 11 49

He's back! 

Thanks to the few of you who have taken the time to tune in to the triple chapter update this week! It's so encouraging to see all of your comments, criticisms, and feelings you have as you're reading. It just makes me want to write more for you!

Anyways, updates will be once a week from now on, on Wednesdays.

Comment, comment, comment!

Happy Reading! 


I opened my eyes a split second before the guard came into my cell. It was the fifth day in a row that Baylor had woken me up early and kept me out late. I was exhausted, the kind where you feel like you could pass out at any moment. But I'd made a deal with the devil, and I guess this is the regimen that he wanted me on. He'd kept up his part of our deal so I had to keep up mine.

I wasn't in Cell 21 anymore.

"Oh, up already are we?" Asked my least favorite of my four guards. This guy was short and stubby, which must've given him some sort of a complex because he had to be the rudest person I'd ever met. But still, part of my deal was loosening my security, and I'd rather take one jerk over all four of them, always.

I said nothing to him as I slipped out of bed and headed into the bathroom to change into my jumpsuit and training shoes. When I came out, the guard was leafing through my one and only book; A Complete Encyclopedia of Martial Arts. Even when I wasn't training I was expected to be training.

"You're a little small for this aren't you kid?" the guard snorted as he flipped to a page detailing how to snap a grown man's neck. I rolled my eyes and picked up my notebook and pencil before heading to the door. If only he knew what I was capable of, truly capable of. Then he wouldn't be making so many jokes.

The guard "escorted me" down to the Professor's office, escorted used loosely because by this time I knew where I was going. All I needed him for was to take the inhibitor cuffs on and off. After the guard had departed I sat in a chair outside the office, flipping through my notes from the days' past.

Baylor hadn't really done much training, or any teaching I should say. He wanted me to bulk up so he put me on the treadmill and made me lift weights all day, with small breaks for high protein low carb meals. It was boring, but I knew that one day he would show his true colors and I had to be ready.

A small exasperated and fearful squeak made me lookup. Micheal, the Professor's assistant had appeared in front of me. Looking as timid and mouselike as ever with his small pointy nose, large eyes, and waifish body. Micheal was chronically unkempt as if he never got a wink of sleep, nor a moment to iron his ever-present white shirt, red tie, and khaki ensemble. I'm not sure what the Professor had told Micheal about me, but he was absolutely petrified of our encounters.

"The Professor awaits," Micheal said gesturing to the door, before running off to who knows where.

I let myself into the office and made myself comfortable. We'd probably talk (meaning he'd talk at me) for about twenty minutes before heading down to the gym to work. It seemed that Micheal had overexaggerated, after ten minutes I wondered if perhaps the Professor was even here at all. This was the longest I'd ever been kept waiting, and it was a little bit...strange. It was the longest I'd been along, truly alone since getting here. My dormitory was filled with cameras, I knew because I could see the little red lights blinking from the corners of the room before I'd fall asleep. I was alone, and yet I couldn't relax.

"I'll just follow your lead Mona, this is just as much a learning experience for me as it is for the boy. I'm honored to even have you hear I mean, what an honor!" I heard Professor gush from down the hall. He was very honored.

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