Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Lydie!" I squealed as I saw a familiar strawberry blonde make her way to me

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"Lydie!" I squealed as I saw a familiar strawberry blonde make her way to me.

"Rori!" She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly. "Oh god, I am so glad to see you! How was Australia?"

"Hot." I replied and she laughed. I was in Australia to get myself together after my mother died from a car accident. I had stayed with my uncle in the country because my dad passed away when I was really little from cancer. Although I had originally lived in Beacon Hills with my mother, Lydia was my only friend because I was homeschooled. I was bought back from my thoughts when another voice joined our conversation.

"Good to see you again, Aurora." Lydia's mum Natalie said as she pulled me into a small hug.

"You too, Natalie." I smiled.

"Your room's all set up."

"Thank you." She smiled before walking ahead of us. I picked up my suitcase before walking out of the airport side by side with Lydia.

"So...are you ok?" She asked my softly.

"Yeah, I'm much better." I smiled at her.

"Good." She replied, "Then I can let you know that your outfit sucks. I'll let you off today, but I mean seriously what even is Hogwarts?" She sent me a teasing smirk. I let out a loud laugh and shook my head.

"Oh! I almost forgot, we have surprise waiting in your bedroom." She told me as someone took my suitcase from me and we sat in the car.

"What is it?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You know, it's called a surprise for a reason." She told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine!" After a few seconds of silence her eyes flickered to my wrist catching sight of my thin bracelet.

"You still have it?" She asked happily.

"Of course, you?" I asked and she waved her wrist up showing the matching, golden bracelet with one golden leaf with a small, one letter inscription on it but instead of an aquamarine stone it was an amethyst stone (symbolising our birth stones.) And instead of having a small leaf with an 'L' she had one with an 'A.' I grinned at her and gave her a high five.

. . .

I walked into my room and dropped my bags on the floor. I looked towards the bed which have lots of comfy looking pillows and a duvet. Above the bed hung white fabric that fell from the roof and on the walls were fairy lights. I turned to the other wall and found lots of pictures of Lydia and I through the years, next to the pictures was a long thin chalk board with a rack next to it holding an eraser and a bottle of chalk.

"Wow Lydia! It's amazing." I turned back and saw her leaning on the door looking at her nails.

"I know." She smiled before walking over to the walk in wardrobe. "Are you ready for your surprise now?" She asked and I nodded, sitting cross-legged on the bed. "Close your eyes!" She called over and I closed my eyes, covering them. "Ok! Open!" I did as she said and I saw her holding a fluffy German Shepherd puppy in her arms. My jaw dropped and I looked at her in shock.

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