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1 ✽ Hwang Eun-bi

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Eun-bi wasn't your average seventeen-year-old maiden.

Lacking the grace and beauty of a noblewoman, she was often ridiculed by other noble families for her boyish and immature behaviour. Having only daughters in the Hwang family, she was sometimes referred to as her father's son instead.

Eun-bi simply couldn't care less about her appearance. She wasn't one of those girls who would swoon over any handsome, charming nobleman passing by them. She wasn't the kind of girl who would get all worried over ludicrous matters, like finding a good man from a reputable family to marry before turning the age of twenty.

In fact, she would much rather prefer staying single for the rest of her life.

The only person who probably understood her best was her sister, who was also the pride of the family. The peacemaker. Someone who would hold the family together, especially during times of dispute.

Born a year earlier, her sister, Yoo-jung, was kind, bright and warm-natured. Her beauty was flawless and she exuded an air of class, style and elegance. Without a doubt, she had easily won over everyone's hearts. Countless noblemen would often visit their mansion in hopes of asking her hand in marriage.

And being the good sister that Eun-bi was, she had chased every single one of those good-for-nothings out of their house by unleashing their family's dog upon them – a usually gentle beast but with a ferocious side that would emerge at the sight of strange men.

Whilst her mother would throw a fit and chase her around the mansion for her outrageous manners towards their guests, Yoo-jung would always chuckle at her and was secretly grateful.

Did Eun-bi envy her sister? Yes.

But being jealous of her? Absolutely not.

Because that was what sisters were for; they had each other's backs. Whenever Eun-bi fell, her sister would be right there to pick her back up and she would do the same back for Yoo-jung. Side by side or miles apart, their hearts were always connected.

This was why when the letter from the royal palace came, Eun-bi was filled with a sense of foreboding. The entire family was summoned to their beautiful courtyard and had to drop into a deep bow (which honestly gave her a terrible backache) to receive the royal decree.

"The upcoming Selection of the Crown Princess will take place on the fifteenth day of this month. Twenty candidates will be selected. Those who fail the Selection will not be bound to the law of remaining as the Crown Prince's women and be allowed to enter a marriage with another family thereafter.

As one of the chosen maidens, the King hereby summons Hwang Yoo-jung from the Hwang family to the Changdeokgung Palace..."

Eyeing the wretched letter that the palace eunuch was reading out loud, Eun-bi almost leapt up from her position to rip the letter to pieces. To her utter dismay, she was held in place by both her mother and sister. Even her father, who terribly adored her, sent his fiercest glare in her direction.

This was simply atrocious! The audacity of the King to summon her sister to the palace to partake in the Selection of the Crown Princess!

Who did he think he was? Even if he was the father of the nation, how could he order them about as he pleases?

What would happen if Yoo-jung really did end up with the notorious, cold-hearted prince? Her marriage might turn out to be a bitter one, something which she definitely didn't deserve. What if the prince decided to take on several concubines in the future and leave Yoo-jung all alone in the cold, ruthless palace?

Did they really think Eun-bi was going to sit around and watch that happen?

A voice broke her stormy thoughts. "Eun-bi?" Her sister grasped her arm with a gentle, knowing smile. "It is fine, really."


"You may not remember this," Yoo-jung said, "but Father, Mother and I went to the palace years ago for the prince's thirteenth birthday celebration. You weren't there because you had sprained your ankle from fooling around in the gardens. Believe me when I say this – the palace is a really beautiful place."

"Let's not forget something else," she continued, patting Eun-bi's arm reassuringly. "There are going to be several potential candidates present. I very much doubt I would be selected for the final round. Much less becoming the Crown Princess. Before you know it, I will be back home."

"But–" Eun-bi argued, "none of them will stand out as brightly as you do."

"Silly sister. I'm certain there will be fairer ladies out there than me. Besides, how is it they have forgotten to invite one more person?"

"Who?" Eun-bi tilted her head curiously, clueless at the person Yoo-jung was referring to. But her sister simply smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Eun-bi's ear.

"You. You're the gem that they're missing out on."


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