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2 ✽ The Book of Flower Boys

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One of the things that Eun-bi hated was to sit in a room and discuss beautiful men over a cup of tea.

Much to her dismay, she was currently sitting beside her sister and her good friend, Ara. If not for the fact that Yoo-jung was leaving for the palace in a few days, she wouldn't have agreed to accompany her on this ridiculous meeting.

"So, Eun-bi, do you have anybody you're drawn to?" Ara asked casually.

For some reason, the gossipmonger had been asking the same question during the rare times they would meet. A plausible reason was that she might be secretly mocking Eun-bi for her lack of suitors.

She was honestly more annoyed than troubled about it. Picking up one of the wooden figurines on a table to play around with it, she answered cheerfully. "I do, and his name is Bo-mi."

Ara perked up in excitement. "Bo-mi? Who's that? Which family is he from?"

Eun-bi simply grinned at her. "Oh, he's definitely from a reputable family. We've been going out for a few years...he's my sweet, charming horse."

Disappointment flickered in Ara's eyes and she scoffed, whereas Yoo-jung chuckled humorously. As their attention returned to the book that they were engrossed in earlier, Eun-bi couldn't help but snort out a laugh at the book title.

"'The Book of Flower Boys?' I can't believe such a book possibly exists. Where do people find the time to invest in these men and draw up their portraits? What's more frightening is the fact that girls would actually spend money to buy such a ridiculous book," she remarked.

However, the scornfulness in her words was frowned upon. Ara began clucking her tongue disapprovingly at Eun-bi.

"Exactly where have you been living all this time? In your ten-year-old world? You're already of age, and it's time for you to take a good look at the men around you. The good ones would be snatched up in no time!"

A frown slipped between the crevices of Eun-bi's eyebrows, clearly not seeing eye to eye with her. "Why should I bother when I'm already good enough for myself?"

The look on Ara's face clearly showed how she thought of Eun-bi as an immature child. "Who's going to feed you for the rest of your life? Or provide your clothes and jewellery? Are you going to grow old and die without a companion?"

"Well," Eun-bi retorted, "I'm certain there are several ways for me to survive and earn money. If my plan fails, my sister will accommodate me in her future household if I'm homeless."

From the side, Yoo-jung's head bobbed in agreement.

Ara sighed exasperatedly, throwing up her hands and shooting a look of disbelief in Yoo-jung's direction. "I can't believe you two are sisters. The both of you are very different from each other."

"And I can't believe the both of you are friends. You seem like a bad influence to my sister."


Yoo-jung finally intervened before things got out of hand. "The both of you! Quit arguing and let's respect each other's opinions, alright? Besides, aren't we here today to spend some time together before I leave for the palace?" Browsing through the book in an attempt to change the subject, she nudged the girl sitting beside her. "Look – isn't this the nobleman that you like, Ara?"

Ara's sour expression instantly changed to a bright smile when she recognised the man in the book.

"Yes! Isn't he gorgeous? I bumped into him on the streets the other day when I was lost and he was kind enough to bring me back. Do you think I should look for him at his residence someday and bring a few snacks to show my appreciation towards him?"

Eun-bi rolled her eyes when the two girls weren't looking. She muttered under her breath. "Lost my foot. You did it on purpose."

Annoyance imbued her tone. At the exact moment, she accidentally snapped the head off the wooden figurine that she was playing in her hand. Masking her look of horror, Eun-bi hurriedly hid the evidence under the cushion she was sitting on and pretended nothing had happened.


Rest in peace, little one.

Thankfully, nobody had seen what she did. Flipping to the next page, Ara gestured for Yoo-jung to lean closer. "Look right here. This is the Crown Prince's – or rather – your future husband's portrait. What do you think? Isn't he devilishly handsome?"

Her words even piqued Eun-bi's curiosity, who looked over their shoulders and frowned at the drawing. It was a bewitchingly beautiful and dignified man with a mysterious aura that drew people in. The small smile playing on his perfect lips was a weapon that would instantly kill all the smitten ladies.

Strange. Didn't people say that the prince was a man with a stone-cold personality and no one had ever seen him smile before?

"Yoo-jung, aren't you lucky?" Ara prattled on. "Only twenty women specifically handpicked by the King himself get to attend the Selection of the Crown Princess. You should do your best to catch the prince's attention. After all, he's the best catch among all the men in our country - the richest and most handsome."

Eun-bi couldn't help but share her opinion too. "Really? He looks a little weird here. Like someone had forced him to smile by threatening to shove something up his rear."

Ara wrinkled her nose in disgust whereas Yoo-jung frowned at her choice of words. "Watch your language, Eun-bi."

She shrugged nonchalantly and rose to her feet. Her sister frowned at her immediately. "Where are you going, Eun-bi?"

"Out for a ride," she replied. "The heat is a little stifling here. I'll be back before the sun sets to pick you up."

With a small nod, Yoo-jung returned to the conversation she was having with Ara whereas Eun-bi headed for the horse stables. When she spotted her white knight, a smile immediately blossomed on her face.

"Bo-mi, how are you feeling? Looking a little down, aren't you? Don't worry, I'll let you flex those muscles of yours soon."

Running a hand through her horse's thick mane, she gently stroked his neck and blew him a light, feathery kiss. She walked to his side, pulled herself up onto Bo-mi's saddle easily and gave a little nudge with her foot to get him moving. A smile lifted the corners of her lips and she began to hum, ever so quietly.

It was time for a little ride.


A/N: Any pets that you guys own/would like to have? I love dogs but I'm not prepared to have one haha.

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