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9 ✽ The First Attempt

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When Eun-bi noticed him, she recognised him right away. It was hard not to, especially with an unforgettable face like his.

Cold, expressionless eyes.

Inhumanly flawless features.

An unrivalled beauty that would put even the most popular courtesan in the capital to shame.

Eun-bi was acutely aware of how his hands were wrapped around her waist and it took her a moment to regain her bearings. Once she got over the surprise, she started doing one of the things that she was good at.

Which was to scream like a girl–

Oh wait, she was one.

Don't get her wrong, she was called as her father's son far too many times that she couldn't count it off her fingers and it got stuck in her head. Honestly, people should be making better use of their time, like getting their eyes checked by a physician instead.

Right, going back to the main task on hand.

When Eun-bi started screaming, the nobleman released his hold on her and she toppled to the ground. Everything was happening just like the first time when they met.

Why was she always getting thrown off her horse and kissing the floor like they were the best of friends?

"Hey!" She yelped and glared at the stony-hearted nobleman, rubbing her sore rears. "That's not the way to treat a woman!"

Without any change in his expression, he simply folded his hands behind his back and looked away. Acting all high and mighty again.

And it was getting on her nerves.

Eun-bi dropped her head suddenly, trying to act like a frail noblewoman. "It hurts," she sniffed. "I–I think I sprained my ankle."

It worked. There was only so much the arrogant attitude of his would last, for all noblemen were instilled to treat women with respect and dignity.

The sound of footsteps approached her slowly and hesitantly. Through her curtain of hair, she saw his shadow fall over her. When she finally glanced up, she saw his hand outreached to offer her his aid.

However, he did not bother to look at her once.

Eun-bi pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, but decided to accept his help. When she took his hand and he tried to lift her up, he was totally unprepared at what she was going to do.

She tugged on his hand hard.

The arrogant nobleman tumbled onto the floor right beside her. Throughout the entire moment, she scrutinised his face for any change in his expression or yelps of surprise.

To her sheer disappointment, there was none. His face remained as infuriatingly frigid as ever.

Was he born from a rock?

Before he could stand, Eun-bi rolled to her feet and leapt onto Bo-mi, tugging on the horse reins quickly. They fled into the night, leaving the nobleman behind.

Until next time, Lord of Arrogance.


It was two nights later when Eun-bi saw the owner of the jade charm again.

Maybe It's You (It's You Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now