Chapter 3 (Lost & Found)

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Hiccup POV

I called Toothless to come and get me. He appeared flying from the sky then landed on the ground.

"Hey,bud." I said to him while patting his head. He responded by licking in my face."Toothless! Stop it!" I said happily. I'm so lucky that I have him. Then, his attention turned to the girl who I was carrying. He sniffed her long golden hair. She's still sleeping. Toothless made a happy expression which I don't quite understand.

Then, I realized what he was going to tell about. "Me ? Like her? No I'm not!" I said with my cheeks went red that I was trying to hide it. "Look, bud. Let's just get her home, okay? " I ordered him. He just smirked at me. I just rolled my eyes.

I put her down gently on Toothless's back then sat on the saddle to blast off. "Ready, bud?" I asked him. He nodded excitedly like he was born ready. Then, we took off to find her home. I bet her parents must be worried about her right now. During the ride, I turned around to check on her. She was smiling while sleeping. I can tell that she was having a sweet dreams.

Meanwhile, I heard someone calling a girl's name. "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Where are you ?!"a woman shouted. "Calm down, dear. The police will do everything they can to find her..." said a man who was comforting her. Soon, I realized that they were Rapunzel's parents. I can't just showed up in front of them. Probably not a good idea because they might think that I'm the who kidnapped her. So, I decided to sneak into her room and place her on her bed while they were sleeping at night.

A few hours later, I found a window which was wide opened. I swooped in there and found myself her room. "This must Rapunzel's room." I said to myself. I can hear her parents snoring REALLY loud but it didn't bother her sleeping. I jumped off from Toothless and carried her bridal style then placed her on the bed. I can feel the cold wind blew from the window but it didn't bother me because I'm wearing an armor that prevent from losing heat. I saw Rapunzel was shivering cold because of the wind. I closed the window so she can sleep peacefully. I search for a blanket in a room then put it on her. However, she still shivering. I lay myself on her bed then leaned closer to her. I wrapped her body with my arms as I pulled her closer to my chest. Then, I notice that she buried her head in my chest. I can feel her body no longer cold again. I had a strange feelings every time I'm near her. Was it love? Happy? After a few minutes later, I fell asleep beside her.

Rapunzel POV

I've been having a sweet dreams when I was sleeping. Suddenly, I feel like my head was burying in someone's chest. As I opened my eyes, it was a boy who was been in hospital for three days that I visited yesterday. At the same we woke up, our faces only a few centimetres away. I was REALLY embarrassed as my cheeks went red as tomato thinking of what had he done to me.

"Arghh!" I pushed him off my bed. "Oww!"he groan. "Wh-what did you do to me?! How did I get here??" I asked him angrily while I wrapped myself with my blanket.

"Woah, woah, woah, take it easy! I can explain!" he said trying to calm me down. Luckily my parents didn't hear my screamed even my room was not too far away from theirs. "Listen, I just send you home after I wake up in the hospital."he explained. "Why didn't you wake me up instead?!" "Because I don't want to bother your sleep..." he added. "Then, how did I get here? In my room?" I asked him again. "Well uhh..." he scratched from the back of his neck trying to say something.

At the moment, a black creature suddenly swooped into my room. "Wh-what is that thing?!" I said nervously while pointing my finger to the creature. "Rapunzel, meet my dragon. His name is Toothless."he replied. It came to me then sniffed my whole body. I'm very nervous at the moment because he might bite me or something. He made a big puppy eyes which it look to mine. "'re so adorable!" I scratched his back which made him make a funny behavior. I giggled as he did that. "Aren't you supposed to go to school today?"he asked. "Oh, there's no school today. So, I have my free time right now. Who are you, anyway? Have we met before ?" I asked. "Actually..." he began telling his story. Today was just me and him talking to each other. He said that he was the one who saved me from the accident 3 years ago then I suddenly remembered that he's been hit by a car. What surprising me was how can he survive that crash. He said that a spirit saved his life. "Let's just keep that as a secret between you and me, promise?"he asked. "Yes, I promise." I replied.

I felt sorry for him. Since middle school, how could I just ignore him all time. I felt so stupid. "I'm so sorry, Hiccup, for ignoring you 3 years ago. Forgive me." I almost burst into tears. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I'm getting used to it..." he pulled me for a hug. I cried while burying my face in his chest as I remembered what I did wrong for him 3 years ago. "'s okay, I'm here." He comforted me. Then, I finally stopped crying. He wiped my tears from my face. "Thank you, Hiccup" I kissed him on his cheek. His face suddenly turned red as he blushing. I giggled by his reaction. At night, as I was going to sleep, he still here. "Aren't you going home?" I asked." I don't have home. I sleep anywhere I want. With Toothless by my side, we can go anywhere we want to like on a building and rooftops."he replied. "Well, you can stay here if you want." I said. "Really? Did I just troubled you?"he asked with guilty. "No you didn't." "Okay. Thanks, Rapunzel." He thanked me. We said good night to each other then drifted into sleep.

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