Chapter 32

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Our friendship.


Meaning of the quotes in picture☝️:

Learn how to reconcile in life because
The one who bowes down is alive or else To scowl is a identity of a dead!


Third person's POV :-

Shock was written all over shahzaib's face, he couldn't believe what he heard just now? Shahnoor called him bhai, not only just bhai but Shahzaib bhai.

"What did you said?" He asked her.

She withdrew her hand back immediately, crying. Her hiccups were unstoppable.

"Look at me baccha." He said but she didn't look up instead she was busy inspecting her hand.

"It-s I-ts..bleeding." She said stuttering, on hearing her words he look at her wrist which was actually bleeding.

"I'll call the doctor." He said and got up to leave.

"Shahzaib bhai.." She said looking down, he turned around to look at her.

She than look up with teary eyes, her lips formed a small smile.

" bhai." she completed and look down.

A wave of happiness wash over shahzaib's heart making it flutter. He smile back, putting his right hand on her head he said,

"Thank you." with that he left to call the doctor.
. . . . . . . . . . .

Shahzaib's POV :-

" bhai."

Her voice kept ringing in my ears and my smile wasn't helping either. I didn't knew this would make me so happy.

She was sleeping in front of me, doctor re-bandage her hand. He also asked how it happened, before I can answer she said that she by mistakenly hit her wrist with the table. Dr. Mosin scold her on her carelessness and she listened him without uttering a word. Than he inject her painkiller which made her drowsy and she fell asleep. I laid down on the sofa in the room as there is no room available at the time. I haven't slept at night and now I'm extremely tired.

Of course, everyone is in their room as I told them not to disturb me. Shahnoor's mother was stubborn one, she wasn't willing to leave her side. Now I know from where shahnoor inherited that stubborn personality.

I smile at the memories of our encounters, each & every memory holds her stubbornness. I close my eyes and fall into peaceful sleep.
. . . . . . . . .

I groaned as loud sounds hit my ears, I covered my face with a pillow.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I heard again knocks on the door but I ignored it, it stop. I slept again.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

It started again, I groaned and stood up. I look at shahnoor she was still asleep but the knocks were disturbing her as she was stirring in her sleep. I quickly walk towards the door and opened it. It was Akib, I sighed and walk in while he trailed behind.

"Why were you knocking as if there is no tomorrow?" I asked irritatingly as I sat on the sofa.

"Sorry." He said.

I look at him, he was looking at shahnoor. His hands fisted as if he is trying to control his emotions. But the question is what kind of emotions is he holding?

"Akib." I called him but no response.


"Akib!" I called again, this irritated me so much.

"Akib, stop looking at her!" I said not too loud but in a stern voice which took him out of trance.

He look at me, still confuse. I clench my jaw.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said.

"Than why did you knock the damn door?!" I whispered yelled through my gritted teeth.

He look down. He wants to say something, I am sure of that but he is stubborn. First he will think about it until its late than he would spit out from his sealed mouth.

"Bhai...I wanted to..ta-"

"Shahzaib Bhai, Raees boss is here." Jamshed one of my men came suddenly.

"when did he came?" I ask.

"Just now." He inform.

"Okay, I'll come after getting freshen up." I said, he nodded and took his leave.

"Akib, we'll talk later. You and firoz go look after raees uncle. I am coming." I said.

"Okay bhai." He said and turn to leave not before glancing at shahnoor.

"Akib.." I heard shahnoor calling him but he already left.

But her eyes still lingered on the open door. How did she know him?

"Do you know him?" I ask and she snap her head towards me.

"N-no." She lied, I already am aware of when she lies. She stutter when she lies.

"Than how did you know his name?" I ask and walk towards her.

She tried to sit up but wasn't able to. I walk closer, putting my right hand on her back and left on her shoulder, I made her sit comfortably. I adjust the pillow behind her back.

"You haven't answer." I said standing straight but she didn't reply. I sighed and sat down in front of her.

"Baccha, why are you so stubborn?" I asked.

"Maybe..because~..I am sister-in-law of Shahzaib Ahmed Mirza." She said looking down while trying to control her smile.

I turn My back on her, Ya mere maula (My god) what's got into her? Her behavior is totally opposite now. I couldn't stop myself and burst into laughter. After controlling myself, I look back at her. She is grinning like a small kid.

"What's got into you?" I ask.

"May be.. Mr.Bean." She replied and I furrowed my brows on the mention of this unknown personality.

"Who is he?" I ask clenching my jaw.

Shahnoor's POV :-

His expression turn into angry one in no time. Ya Allah, what's his problem?

"Mr. Bean is a comedy series. Don't you know?" I ask in disbelief. Relief washed over him, he shook his head.

"Everyone knows about him, he is so famous." I said.

"Well, I never have time to watch TV or anything." He said shrugging.

"Oh! But that means you will not have time for farah?" I asked.

"No, I'll out my special time for her."He said that relieved me.

"Shahzaib bhai...please always keep her happy." I said with a small smile.

"She'll be the Queen." He said making my smile drop.

"No, please don't make her queen. A queen is a woman who hides her scars, pain, Torcher, taunts and many meseries. Just make my sister your wife, who holds a special place in your heart, respect her, protect her, be her pride, be loyal to her and most important strive together for jannah." I said.

"Is that all?" He asked with a smile. I nodded and put my hand forward.

"Promise?" I asked. He placed his hand on mine.


To be continued....

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