Chapter Twenty -LEMON-

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The submarine was quite luxurious.

To start, there were six rooms. Each person had their own, and even though it was small, having your own room was refreshing. There was even a fresh change of clothes in the closet. There was a pretty nice kitchenette, complete with almost every western appliance, save for a dishwasher. Several large windows adorned the walls, allowing for a 360° view of the surrounding ocean life.

You were up late that night. You weren't due to arrive in Egypt until tomorrow night, so there was no reason to sleep early.

You dragged your blanket and some pillows out to the front of the submarine and made yourself a nice comfy spot to sit and listen to the ocean as the submarine moved through it.

The ocean was calming. The soft blue light that emanated from the outside made the room all the more relaxing. In your catatonic state, you didn't even notice when Jotaro walked in wearing nothing but a tank and his boxers. It wasn't until he shut the door of the refrigerator and snapped open a cola that you jumped out of your trance and noticed you weren't alone.

"Oh! Jotaro! I didn't even see you there."

"What are you doing out here? It's like 2 in the morning." He sat down across from you.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Fair enough."

There was silence for a minute.

"See that fish?" He pointed. "That's a parrotfish. It's called that because of its funny beak-like mouth. And that one is a bannerfish. You can tell why it's called that."

"You know a lot about fish."

He shrugged. "And you know a lot of languages. We all have our things."

"Hey hey, I know more than languages."

"Like what?"

"I know a lot of very specific and strange things. Mostly about birds."


"Yeah my mom is a bird fanatic. She likes to share weird facts."

"Well, tell me some."

"A pigeon produces about 20 pounds of poop a year. Also, birds can't pee. The white stuff in their poop is actually ammonia and stuff that we would normally pee out. There is a specific species of magpie that has a yellow bill that only lives in the central valleys of California. Normal magpies have a black bill. When you're sleeping and suddenly feel like your falling only to wake up suddenly, it's because you were falling asleep too quickly and your brain jerked you awake to make sure you were still alive. Back in the 70s when Jim Jones made all of his followers drink the kool-aid, it wasn't actually kool-aid. It was a brand called flavor-aid that they would often drink as a treat. Want me to go on?"

"You've proved your point." He laughed.

There was another moment of silence. Jotaro sucked down the rest of his cola and crushed the can.

"Hey Jotaro?"


"Do you wanna go back to my room?"

He paused for a moment before realizing what you meant. "Sure."

He helped you pick up the blankets and pillows and joined you in your room.

Jotaro was on you almost instantly. The small room causing you to press against him, and causing his erection to grind into your stomach.

You leaned down and yanked his boxers off. Just as he sat on the bed and you were about to fit your mouth around the head of his cock, he stopped you.

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