Chapter 1: Commence

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Pic cred YIBIART

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wanted to laugh at the stupidity of this world.

Revolution, they said, bringing peace between the wolves and humans, a successful and peaceful revolution they had said---bullshit, Taehyung calls it.

How is it a nice thing when omegas are not allowed to do a decent job if they have a good qualification. It wasn't a rule but Taehyung thinks it will become one soon since they use a stupid logic---

Male omegas are not safe and they don't suit such works, they should stay at home or work in small shops etc. Taehyung wanted to punch the higher authority or whowever thinks like that.

Why is everything fair for other werewolf classes then? Why only omegas and specially male omegas have to be put down?

Over time, female omegas were given a little more opportunities, letting them their freedom but not much and for male omegas, the rarest blessed species, there was almost nothing---

For example, if you go for a job in a company and you're a male omega, in the form, you'll have to mark your class, human or werewolf and then under werewolf, if you circle the omega, you're told right away that you can't get this job.

Taehyung knows because he has gone through this and be absolutely hates it. Who wouldn't?

Why does it happen? Only because if any omega, mostly a male omega who is targeted by horny or stupid alphas who love to show their power---the omegas complain and the alphas who sit in the courts can never go against an alpha and side with an omega, their fucking ego and status---

Yeah, that's a fucking peaceful and successful revolution, a peace treaty between humans and wolves where Taehyung's own kind isn't loyal to him, what could he expect from humans.

So it's said that omegas should stay at home, bear children and do the fucking house chores, clean the houses and prepare dinners for their mates or husbands---

And the worst cases, the omegas were kept as slaves even today by the rich ass families, even humans and it made Taehyung absolutely mad.

This treatment, not given jobs but just a so called respect has made some omegas work as strippers, escorts, working in others homes as if they are the house workers.

Taehyung came to Seoul a year ago from Daegu, his architecture degree in his hand, determined to find a good job in a new and better city, hoping that people might be a bit different here and not thinking same as those in his home town.

Sadly, they were no different and Taehyung was now a coffee maker in a coffee shop and no matter how sweet this shop was and even though he hates coffee, he needed to get out because a year, working like this when he should be doing an actual job in an architecture building---

This was just stupid.

Kim Taehyung lived in a small apartment that was meant for two people but sadly, he's alone but it's not so sadly for him. He's actually glad that he is alone here.

He has left the past behind, been some how successful in not remembering everything he has lost, everyone who has left him.

He hasn't gotten panic attacks for last seven months and he's more than glad for this over anything else.

He has applied to so many jobs, always denied. He once decided to mask his scent and fake his rank but too scared that if he was found, he'd be heavily fined.

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