Chapter 32: Glory

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) short.

Third Person POV

Taehyung feels like this is the most stupidest thing he's ever done. More stupid than eating  a plant his brother warned him about when he was young and ended up having swollen lips. More stupid than sitting on a cactus while wearing thick jeans thinking those little thorns won't do anything to him.

Just, simply stupid that he's here to see Yongsu. He thought about it a lot and this had to be done. He's in a cafe because there's no way he'll meet him in a secluded place.

If he had told Jeongguk, Yongsu would've been stopped but only for a while and then start this shit again. Taehyung knows Yongsu is capable of hurting both of them. And if something happens other than talking, he'll tell Jeongguk.

You should tell him right now and leave the fuck from here! Taehyung's subconscious screams at him.

The omega sighs, biting his lips because Yongsu is late and he thinks he probably won't come and just as he's about to get up, he sees Yongsu walking inside and he immediately stops, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

He quietly sits back as Yongsu comes to sit infront of him, a dirty smirk on his face. Taehyung gritts his teeth, glaring at him.

"What do you want from me?" Taehyung cuts to the chase.

"Hello to you too, sweetheart." Yongsu says and Taehyung feels disgusted at the name.

"You used to like being called that. Always loved being taken care of and called sweet nicknames." Yongsu teases. The memories bring back agony.

"You cheated on me and now you want me back? Why?" Taehyung was asking what he has to.

"Oh come on. It was a heat of a moment. You were being annoying that day and I got angry. No big deal." Yongsu shrugs and Taehyung chuckles bitterly.

"Right. Well whatever it was, I don't care anymore and I'm done with you and have nothing to do with you so better stop this shit too." Taehyung says.

"Oh come on, what's the fun in that. I can't just leave a gorgeous omega to that alpha. I always get what I want." Yongsu says and Taehyung sighs, closes his eyes for a second.

"Why are you doing this. Fucking tell me the reason!" Taehyung exclaims lowly.

"You're going to be so useful to me, Taehyung. I can't just let you go. You have to come back to me." Yongsu smirks.

"Keep dreaming, Yongsu. After what you did to me, I'm never gonna do anything for you. Fucking go to hell!" Taehyung spats.

"And you better stay away from me and Jeongguk. Stay away!" Taehyung was so angry and furious but Yongsu just laughs.

"No, Taehyung. I'm afraid you have to listen to me, no matter what. I can ruin your life and that relationship of yours with your boss." Yongsu says, his eyes firm on Taehyung.

"If you won't listen to me, you'll regret it. I don't care about myself. I'll go to jail, get out but what about you, you'll lose him---he'll be gone and you'll be left all alone." Yongsu says and it makes Taehyung want to cry, just the thought of something happening to Jeongguk.

"Go ahead and tell him everything, that you met me. Don't listen to me. What will happen at the end won't be my fault then." Yongsu shrugs.

"What do you want? Fucking tell me then!" Taehyung exclaims.

"Not so fast, Sweetheart. Not so fast." Yongsu utters and suddenly holds Taehyung's hand, the omega jumps at the contact, tries to pull away but Yongsu doesn't let him.

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