Chapter 40: Scarlet

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk was looking at the video again as he was about to drive towards the address he was given by Yongsu. He took Seokjin's car, his brother tearing up at the thought of Jeongguk going alone even if he was being tracked.

The video was sent to him before the address. It was Taehyung, unconscious. He under the comforter and Jeongguk could see the bruise on his cheek and his lower lip had a cut, definitely Yongsu's doing.

"Look how pretty he looks on my bed. This is where he will always sleep when I'll be done with you." Yongsu's speaking but he's not seen. It's just his disgusted voice he can hear.

Jeongguk feels immense anger inside him when he sees the bruises on Taehyung's face. He just wants to see him smile again and he knows he will after he's done with Yongsu.

He'll make everything right. He has already been too late. He should've ended Yongsu way sooner, the first time he punched him, he should've killed him actually. Big mistake.

"He looks so fucking beautiful, don't you agree. You may have seem him without all these clothes, naked and pretty but I was the first to see him like this. I'll always be his first." Yongsu laughs.

"I won't be able to stop myself anymore you know. He looks so irresistible. You better hurry." Yongsu's laugh is heard and then he touches Taehyung's cheek, the omega makes no movement at all and then the video ends.

Jeongguk closes his eyes for a moment then starts the car. He forgets everything else and all in his mind is to see Taehyung safe and sound and to bring him back.

You may be his first but I'll be his last, no matter what.


Jeongguk was on a rooftop. Cliche, he thinks. An abandoned building in the old construction sides. Thick clouds cover the blue sky, the wind is a bit strong and it's chilly. But the shivers aren't because if that, it's because he can't get Taehyung's scent here.

The omega isn't here but Yongsu is. He's here.

"Didn't really think you'll come here." Jeongguk hears a taunting voice but he doesn't turn around, keeps looking at the the soft swaying of trees far from the building.

"I have no idea why you thought that." Jeongguk says and hears Yongsu snicker.

"He's not here but you definitely know that. But he's not alone where I've held him. If I think you've played me, I swear, Jeon---I'll just have to give one signal." Yongsu says.

"You talk to me so bravely on the phone and all that shit but you're a fucking coward. You're scared." Jeongguk says.

"Scared of who, may I ask, Mr. Jeon?" Yongsu walks towards him but keeps his distance. Jeongguk titls his head just a little, catching a glimpse of the other alpha, the wind causing his hair to caress his cheekbone.

"Being left alone." Jeongguk chuckles in a mocking way. Yongsu does too.

"You're seriously---".

"But it's not in your hands. You will always be alone because of your heart. You're evil, that's never gonna get you anywhere and you're well aware of that. You need someone but no one wants you." Jeongguk says, Yongsu looks at him with a hard stare.

"So you just force people to be with you, break them or buy them but either way, you're desperate to have someone by your side but too bad---". Jeongguk turns around, finally faces him.

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