Chapter 20: Surely

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Pic cred xnixn ... uwu

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

When the two break the soft kiss, their eyes meet and Taehyung feels so guilty seeing how Jeongguk's eyes held the start of hope and how they were shining.

The omega hated himself for doing this. Right now, it didn't matter that he actually wanted to be in Jeongguk's arms and feel his lips on his own---what mattered was Jeongguk's feelings and this hurt he would feel.

"I---I'm sorry, I caught you off guard." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk smiles a little.

"Yeah, you did." Jeongguk says.

"Let's go back." Jeongguk says as he lets go of Taehyung's waist but gives a soft squeeze before he does so.

"Yeah, okay." Taehyung smiles. He's extremely restless. Jeongguk was supposed to ask him why he kissed him. He has to say something or Taehyung knows it's gonna be a mess.

It's his fault, just like always. He told Jeongguk to stay away but he himself can't seem to stay away from the alpha no matter how hard he tries. Jeongguk is determined that he'll wait for Taehyung no matter how long it takes.

But Taehyung knows what he did was not okay. Considering it was just to---

Taehyung looks out of the window, eyes find Yongsu standing behind the car, his head visible only and he can see the challenging smirk on his lips.

Taehyung looks away and Jeongguk starts the car.

"Why didn't you buy the gift?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung looks at him from behind.

"I want to think about it and plan it out. I can't decide like that." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

The rest of the car ride was in a heavy silence. Taehyung knew Jeongguk is confused regarding the kiss and he is extremely ashamed of using him just to prove some bastard something.

They reach the office but Sehun was there and called Jeongguk to talk about something. Taehyung doesn't pay much attention and goes inside the office.

"I decided to give it a few days and find out. This car is from the rental company that rents them to big companies for a short use and to people as well." Sehun explains.

"This car doesn't belong to a person of course but the dealer said it's been a month that this one guy is using it." Sehun says.

"Nam Yongsu. And let me tell you---". Jeongguk frowns, this name sounds very familiar but he can't seem to remember it.

"It has been seen around Kyung's company, our company and---". Sehun stops and Jeongguk knew it had to do something with Kyung.

This bastard!

"And?" Jeongguk asks and Sehun sighs.

"It was seen outside your mother's place. The Jeon mansion." Sehun utters and the little hope that his mother might not be involved in this---vanishes.

"It was just once though. If you want, I can find out about this guy too." Sehun says.

"Yeah, that'll be good." Jeongguk says, trying his best to stay calm and collected.

"Okay." Sehun utters and nods, walks away.

Jeongguk couldn't help but think that what if his mother and Kyung are together in this and it is a possibility now since both of them did not have a very nice encounter with Taehyung.

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