Chapter 38: Jewel

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) short.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk didn't even once look at the pictures again. All he checked was the transfer of money and it indeed was true. A million dollars had been transferred to Taehyung's account and surely Taehyung transferred it to Yongsu.

Jeongguk didn't want to think of any negative possibility about all this. What Yongsu says that Taehyung was playing with him can't ever be true. If it was, Taehyung would never have wanted Jeongguk to mate him.

The mate mark is for the rest of the life. If Taehyung will be with someone else, it'll heart him and same with Jeongguk. The mark is the promise of forever between two mates and unless one if them dies or an extreme heartbreak can end the bond.

This is not the case here. Jeongguk and Taehyung love one another and Jeongguk can never doubt his love because it's clear in Taehyung's eyes.

But why did he not tell him? Why? He always says he trusts him so why hide so much and not say anything? Jeongguk doesn't want to feel heartbroken at all but there's a feeling akin to it, he's hurt knowing that Taehyung has been doing so much behind his back and maybe---he lied to him too.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, leans back to his chair. Taehyung isn't in the office yet and it's way past him arriving time. The alpha chooses not to call him because it's not fair that the omega just shuts down and ignore everything.

Jeongguk still don't know why he's hiding. Taehyung knows Jeongguk has seen the pictures, the way he acted gave it away and yet he's still silent. This makes Jeongguk thinks that Taehyung might really not trust him enough to share his feelings.

And Yongsu. He's the one playing with him not Taehyung. He knows it must be one of his tricks to cause trouble between the two but Jeongguk just wants Taehyung to come clean to him.

If he has been meeting Yongsu or if he transferred the money then all Jeongguk want from Taehyung is to tell him why. To tell him what made him do this? What was he upto? Surely he deserves to know.

And those pictures, the one where Yongsu is---Jeongguk doesn't even want to think about it. Even though it hurts yo think about it, his heart can't believe that Taehyung would do it---no willingly, never.

And about Seokjin, what Taehyung said that it's his fault, Jeongguk can't help but connect everything together and he hates saying that Taehyung hiding everything has caused it.

But still, Taehyung's words are needed. The alpha wants Taehyung to talk to him but knowing his precious omega, he will hide himself away and think everything is over.

Jeongguk waits for him but doesn't call and now he knows Taehyung won't come to the office. But Jeongguk won't go either no matter how much he's desperate to know everything.

Because of Seokjin's situation, the trip to US was cancelled and it's good because none of them are in the right mind to go and attend important meetings there.

He hopes Taehyung would talk to him.


Taehyung had spend the whole night and day in his bed, he didn't go to office, didn't talk to anyone, didn't eat. Dread filled him to the core and he couldn't forget how distant he felt from his alpha. But it's his own fault and he deserves this.

He broke Jeongguk's trust. All his alpha wanted was to tell him everything and he knows he feels so bad knowing how badly the omega broke his trust.

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