Pentagon Jr

16 2 10

Random thought: Pentagon Jr might be attractive.

Pentagon Jr is like this demon figure, he is just so dark and gruesome in the ring. I love him, he brings out the sadistic side of me. I love the whole breaking arms and burning people stuff. Im not really that into hardcore wrestling or death matches (might do some posts about this) but with Pentagon Jr I can watch his sadistic grisly style of wrestling and not get tired of it.

I have noticed one thing watching his matches

I think he maybe fine under that mask.

I was binge watching unmasking videos on YouTube because I was bored and they were in my recommendations.

And the bits and pieces of seen of Pentagon Jr in his unmasking videos, I kinda come conclusion that he is probably cute. In the unmaskings that happened to Pentagon, it's not never a full unmasking like Rey Mysterio, yknow the old school unmaskings where they put the person's face in full view.

Pentagon gets masks and covers his face with his hands or something.

And the bits and pieces I've seen... I think he might be cute.

Though I would never want to see his full face. I understand lucha libre culture and I understand the power and the meaning of the mask. I mean El Santo was buried with mask and there's this kinda superstition that some people say he had a heart attack because he took off his mask in public. I mean it was painfully ironic he died a week after he was unmasked...

So that being said, the mask in lucha libre is a huge deal. Getting unmasked is like exposing someone, it's the ultimate sign of disrespect. It's like taking someone's clothes off in public, it's so embarrassing and violating. Also as a fan, it just kills the wonder. I remember when Rey Mysterio was unmasked on WCW (and in my opinion I think WCW was disrespectful to their luchadores, that's why they lost the Monday Night Wars, that was karma. They should have never unmasked Rey and Juvie) I thought it was something I wanted to see but once I saw the true Rey Mysterio, it wasn't the same. Rey Mysterio isn't ugly but it's like finding out Superman is really Clark Kent. The magic is gone.

Sure I still have a curiosity to know who is under the mask of a luchador but I know some things should just be left alone.

I know if I see Pentagon unmasked, it's over. For me the mystery and wonder would be dead.

I view Pentagon as this mystical out of the world being that sometimes I forget he's just a person playing a role. The way he conducts himself and the things he does in the ring is just so amusing.

Even if he was fine as hell, I could never see his face. It would change things for me. I'm totally fine with the bits and pieces I've seen of his face. Keep the mystery alive.

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