Urban Wrestling Federation

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So I recently watched a bunch of clips online called the Urban Wrestling Federation. I was excited to watch cause well I fit into the description of Urban, i think. I like wrestling and i know the word federation. So i watched and it was exactly what i thought it would be. It was old and all the clips look like it was filmed with a pringles tube, it reminds me of the days of watching grainy videos on youtube of Ring of Honor matches. But thats ok, i am someone who grew up watching horrible quality bootleg movies as entertainment so i have very low expectations when it comes to aesthetics.

I feel like i should make this a point, i personally watch wrestling for the storylines. Like that is my number 1 priority when it comes to wrestling. I want good storylines and quality wrestling. Your set could look like shit and your wrestlers could be wearing garbage bags for attire but as long youre creative with the storylines and your wrestlers could do a beautiful moonsault, im good.

With UWF, i dont understand what the storyline is. From what i understood while watching this really long video, the storyline is Uncle Murda (famous rapper) has this wrestling company and something something and now all the other gangs want to battle Uncle Murda's guys. I dont understand why, i never found anything to explain why the other gangs want to mess with Uncle Murda's guys, they just do.
So basically thats the main storyline Uncle Murda got a wrestling promotion and the other dudes get their goons to fight with Uncle Murdas dudes in the ring. But there's also like smaller storylines going on too. Uh one guy was trying to flirt with this other dudes girl. And one dude is trying to get some money from this other guy.

Lemme break it down:

The bad first

1. Storylines made no sense

I already told you i got lost in the storylines cause one minute these guys are talking then the next these other guys are yelling at each other like what is going on?


One of the guys "complimented" his girlfriend by calling her lightskinned. Not pretty or beautiful or fine or sexy but lightskinned. As if lightskinned is a synonym for pretty or that being lightskinned is a symbol of beauty. Im not with that type of stuff. All shades are beautiful.

3. Just like at a rap show theres a bunch of people standing around not doing anything. There were a whole bunch of women and men sitting around the ring not to doing anything, they were just there. Maybe those were VIP seats?

4. Practically No Gimmick. Every guy had the same gimmick, banger, nothing else. Not even different ring attire, theres basically no gimmicks.

Now the good

1. Being original

I could see their vision despite the execution, i could see what they were going for.

I liked that they were catering to an audience that a lot of wrestling promotions dont really think about. Most wrestling promotions cater to white kids and im not complaining, i just want to put that out there, im not complaining. I'm just telling the truth. So i like that they were going for a niche market that is usually not at the forefront.

I also like the concept, i may not understand the storyline but the most i did understand, i liked. I like the war concept. Uncle Murdas gang vs Melle Mels gang vs the other guys gang vs the other gang. I liked it, made things interesting.

I liked the backstage segments.

I liked the interview segments, they reminded me of those old mtv/bet interviews where the guys would on the couch chilling and being asked random questions.

2. Music was hot

3. Commentary was hilarious but sometimes called the wrong moves.

4. Promos were good, this one tag team was hilarious

5. The wrestling was good. These werent basic dudes, a lot of the guys could do a decent powerbomb and hurricanrana so im happy.

Overall, i saw their vision and even though it wasnt A++ i could have seen this being something big one day with some creative backing and direction, unfortunately UWF was been obsolete for years now.

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