~Chapter 7~

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I didn't know what picture to use so I just inserted an old drawing of mine :)

I went to sleep and woke up early with the sun still up. The time on my clock said 11:42 around noon time for humans. Eddie told me to meet him in the courts garden at noon. I brushed my hair and my teeth. I didn't have my coat anymore so I just wore two jackets and a hat

I stopped dead in my tracks when an old thought came to mind that brought sickening feeling a to my stomach. That strigoi from the gate told me that I can create something. I'm still confused about that. Maybe I'll have to go out of the gate and ask him. And kill him afterwards for threatening me. No one can just walk away unharmed or alive for doing that to the Rose Hathaway.

I made my way out and saw Eddie with is back facing me. He was sitting on a bench that he cleared off for us to sit. I came around him and sat.

He must have been lost in thought because I startled him.


"It's ok."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Rose you know I will do anything for you. Just name it. I know Mason would want me to take care of you. I will do anything. Just ask."

" I have to save Dimitri. I know how to now."


"I went to him in my dreams and he told me there is one element i haven't used on a stake. Spirit. It kills the strigoi in him and can save his soul. He may go back to normal."

"And you believe this dream because....?"

"Becasue it's the only chance he has." He nodded in agreement.

"What do you need?" He said. Wow he's serious. He could get in big trouble if he does.

"Eddie you'll get in trouble."

"I told you. Anything." I sighed.

"Ok I need to go to Russia." His eyes went wide then back to normal.

"Ok I won't ask. Probably has to do with the reason Dimitri has a Russian accent." I laughed it was pretty obvious. Due to the circumstances I stopped laughing.

"You've gotta tell Lissa somehow."

"She's probably guessed by now that I have to act."

"Yeah. Its going to be hard on her. I love her so much." I said admiring the silver bracelet she gave me... "I can't bring her along. That would only mean that I have to steak him and free his soul. I can't risk Lissas life to bring him back."

"Why does Lissa have to do it?"

"Because she can charm a steak with her magic. And since the other four elements would be in the steak it would kill the monster and have his soul healed. He would be a dhampir again. She's the one that can make the magic work. I read it in a book that looked like it would turn to dust in my hands." He nodded. "I need to go tell Lissa. This might kill her. Don't tell a soul. Not even Adrian. Nor any of the guardians."

"Of course."

"Your coming with me?"

"I keep telling you this. I will do anything rose." I smiled at his loyalty. But I don't want him to get hurt in the process. Last time I told someone I cared deeply about something dangerous, he ended up dead.

We both left. I know this is going to end badly. He left and I was making my way out when a strong hand covered my mouth.

"Mmmm!!!" I muffled my scream.

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