Part 18:have you back

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****Emily's pov****

We finally reached our destination and i knew exactly what this place was. It was a freaking club. I am so scared of places like this. It's where people get drunk,dance like crazy maniacs,lose their minds,make out with random people they've never met before,ect. I've never been to clubs before,but i watch a lot of these slutty movies. Don't judge.

"Charlie,are you sure you wanna have a party here,you can still change your mind and we can have a movie night and take selfies and-"he cut me off

"Are you scared?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder

"Nooo,but isn't it better having a like,a night in and watching scary movies" I replied and also thinking in my head about how boring that would be

"No can do Em,I invited all my friends and I can't just blow them off and my mom paid a lot of money to book this club for me...and don't worry,there aren't gonna be any drunken,fucked up people" charlie reassured me

"Okay then,lets go in" i said to charlie as i held onto Hollie's hand tightly

As charlie opened the door,loud music shot right in my ear and that hurt sooo bad...and there were so much people dancing and having the time of their life .probably.

like 1 or 200 people... Charlie's really popular...well of course he is,his in bars and melody

As we walked in,i feel in love with the place instantly. It was dark but different colours of light were moving round the place,with fog rooming on the floor and laser lights everywhere. It was so cool

I looked beside me to tell charlie something,but he was too busy dancing with his friends...

I saw so many pretty girls,but most of them just pancaked their face with make up and wore super short skirts and really short crop tops,you could even classify them as bras!!!

I looked to my side to see if Hollie was beside me,but no! she was dancing with one guy she's never even met before

I guess it's just me then...

I just looked around,then decided to go site down by the bar. I ordered a pint of lemonade. I'm a rebel ain't i!!?...

As i was looking around for leo,some guy pulled me up from my sit and led me to the dance floor.

"You wanna dance!?"the guy asked me

"Sorry,i cant here you,the music is too loud,say that again!" i said

"Do! You! Want! To! Dance!" He said again but a lot louder

"Errm!....sure!" i replied back unsure

The boy was really good at dancing, i am good too, because i went to hip hop dancing lessons...but I couldn't keep up with him

When my favourite song 'don't tell em' by jeremih came on,I couldn't help it and started dancing like i belonged in a club.

It was really fun dancing with this guy and to be honest,it was the best fun i have had in ages...

"I forgot to catch your name!"he asked me

"Oh,my name Emily,whats yours! " I replied still swaying to the loud music

"My name is Vladic and you have a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!" he replied back

I literally hate it when people i rarely know start flirting with's so weird,but I didn't want to be rude so i just said...

"Thank you!?"it came out more like a question

He smirked

We carried on dancing for a few more minutes until he asked something shocking ...

"Are you a virgin!"

I looked at him with shock

"Why would you ask me something personal,you prick!!!" i ask raising my voice and loosing my temper

"Just wanted to know,calm down...jeez!" He replied yelling back

"Fuck you!" i said back and with that,i ran away....

I didn't see were i was going and bumped into someone


"L-leo!"i said nervously

He just looked at me,with no smile or was very uncomfortable

He grabbed my wrist tightly and walked me outside. It was pretty cold...and dark...and quite

"Erm...leo I'm really really sorry about everything that is going on" i said looking at him dead in the eyes

"Why?...why would you stab me in the back like that,you made a hole in my heart"he said sternly but really quietly

I looked at the ground with disappointment

"And you never even bothered to apologise" he added with tears forming in his eyes, but trying to hold them back

"I'm so so so sorry leondre,I don't know what came over me,but i honestly regreted it. I was to scared to face you....and even if you don't want to get back together with me,i still want you to forgive me and still be my best friend" i exclaimed back,with my voice cracking and my tears running down my face

"Even though i'm so angry with you right now...I can't live without you, you brighten up my world and if your not with me,my world goes dark and it's full of sorrow and sadness..... I love you Emily,no matter what you do,my love for you will never in a million years go weak or die

Before i could say anything else...

Leo's lips were connected to mine..i was shocked at first but i kissed him back and our lips moved in sync...
He then swiped his tongue along my bottom lip,asking for entrance. I slowly opened my mouth and leo's tongue slipped into my mouth explored it. Butterflies erupted in my stomach,while his arms were around my waist and mine around his neck
It felt weird but to be honest, i enjoyed it. It was actually the first proper kiss i've had in my experience of dating boys!
And it was perfect<3

After about 4 minutes we pulled away to take a breather, I finally then replied...

"I love you too leo"

He smiled at me and gave me a hug....
We decided to go back into the club

I have my bae back...for now
I still have to deal with lorraine...
Well this is going to be fun...


Yesss,updated twice in two days👏👏👏 so so proud😩😩😩

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