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My boyfriend of almost four years and I broke up the summer before I left my hometown for University. Our relationship was beautiful, one I won't remember with a sour face. 

We loved eachother so much at times it didn't seem real. Promises of forever love follow me on my trip to the East Coast. Massachusetts here I come. 

My boyfriend and I broke up because we felt it was best for both of us. In the sense that we loved eachother enough to let eachother go. 

"Go and live your dream mi amor." he told me. He was a Mexican boy. My Mexican boy.

I wanted to give him the promise ring back because somehow I knew our relationship's time had ended. "No, keep it. I love you and don't ever forget that. Maybe I'll meet someone new and so will you but you deserve to be loved. I won't hold you accountable to something that isn't possible."

We wondered if long distance was an option but decided against it very quickly. Not because we didn't want to keep our relationship going but because we knew it was the right thing to do. "You'll always have a special place in my heart, that will never change. You were my girlfriend, my other half, my twin flame, my bestfriend." 

Although I left behind a part of me in a sense I know its not gone forever. I'm very lucky to have a somewhat easy breakup because I know it can be hard. 

Other than leaving my bestfriend's and my boyfriend, I left behind my home. Oh California how I'll miss you. But don't worry I'll be back in a couple years, and for holidays of course. My family was happy to see me go. They thought I destined for big things in life. Maybe they were right. I'm on the path to become a social justice lawyer. 

When I got into Harvard I couldn't believe it. What freshly graduated teen goes to Harvard immediately? Sometimes I wonder how I did it too. Years of working hard and a tad bit of luck. 

My first few years at Harvard were an experience I'll never forget. Unlike many girls, I haven't had a relationship with anyone for a long time. 

Yes, I've been approached by guys but why waste my time? My time and their time too. I don't appreciate being strung along just because the person doesn't want to hurt your feelings. 

It hasn't be hard to say no because I wasn't intrested, I hope the best for the those guys. 

Missing my friends from back home didn't stop me from making new friends. I moved into a great sized apartment with two other freshman college girls. 

As time went on they became my best friends. 

As for my love life, nonexistent but I'm okay with that. My choice, my life. I drive the wheel to my life. 

I had to make some desions soon that would change my life forever. 

As a girl who dreamed of a relationship like in the movies, I secretly has dreams I didn't share with anyone. Maybe I'd given up hope in a sense but my grandmother's words resonated with me. 

"Nunca dejes de soñar, mi niña." (Never stop dreaming my girl.)

My story doesn't start till four years later. 

Hey, everyone! This is a little project I've wanted to do for a long time and here it is. I love writing and creating stories especially about things I imagine. Since I'm home there might be frequent updates, who knows? I love you all for sticking around with my many unfinished projects. I hope you're excited! 💕



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