6 ~ What Is Love?

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💖 In today's chapter, the different types of love are discussed so the song for this chapter is What is Love? by Twice. 💖

This is one of my favorite songs because it reminds me of how amazing and sweet love really is. 💖

Enjoy! and remember that wherever you may be in the world, day or night I love you and appreciate your support and patients on waiting for me to get this chapter up. 💖

Last time...

I drop my bags in the entryway and freeze, "What happened?"

Present time...

Olivia runs out to greet me and she's breathless, "Isa! Hey," she hugs me and I hug her back.

"Did you tell her?" Oli turns to Angelica.

"Yeah," Angie says quietly.

"Where is she?" I ask and hurriedly wash my hands and carry my stuff to my room.

"In her room, she's asleep right though," Oli informs me while standing by my door.

"What happened?" I repeat since no one answered me before.

"Well, I'm not really sure when she came home she walked in delusional and fainted," Angelica says wringing her hands together.

I gasp, "How did she even get home, oh my god!?"

"She took her car and a random guy helped her get home," Oli tells me.

"What the hell? Was it Paul?" I question.

"No, he said his name was Spencer," Angelica says.

I take several deep breaths and try to remain calm but it's hard.

Who's Spencer? Why wasn't Paul around? Is Spencer, Paul's friends?

I have so many questions but I come to two conclusions.

One, Chantél drank too much and two she's my best friend and I'm really worried.

We need answers that's for sure.

But before I can get them out a soft groan comes from Chantél's room and we all rush to her room.

She's in her bed and she tries to sit up, and when she does I see she's still in her party outfit.

"Chantél, are you okay?" Angelica sits down next to her.

Olivia and I stay back to give Chantél some space and also let Angie do her thing.

"No, Angie." she falls in Angelica's open arms and starts crying.

"Chantél, it's okay. You're going to be fine," Angie strokes her back and looks like she's holding in tears herself.

She looks up at Oli and me and says, "Olivia get a glass of water. I'll get Chantél cleaned up and Isa gets some comfortable clothes for Chantél then come with me."

Oli does as she's told for once and I stay behind to get Chantél some comfy clothes.

I also find her phone on the dresser and I hesitate before grabbing it, maybe it has the answers we need.

Then I go to the bathroom, where Angie is with Chantél.

Chantél is sitting on the closed toilet seat and drinking the water Oli hands her.

Her skin is gaining color as the water fills her but then she turns a ghostly pale color and beads of sweat collect on her hairline.

"I-I'm going to throw up." she jumps up from the toilet seat and opens it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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