1 ~ Where it all started

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4 years later...

I'm on my way to the first day of my internship in the heart of New York City.

I have mixed feelings but I'm excited overall. This internship is my dream and its very important to me. Harvard Laws campus is in Cambridge, Massachusetts which is a long drive to get to an internship and I was recommended to not take this but its an opportunity that I won't regret taking.

I was mysteriously given a small apartment close to the internships building for renting, it was a very convenient and generous offer. I take a taxi this morning to the place and I'm pleasantly surprised that it doesn't take long to arrive in the shade of the enormous structure.

"Thank you." I offer a smile to my driver as I get out of the back seat.

"You're welcome, miss. Have a great day." he takes the tip I offer with a smile of his own.

"You too." I close the door and he drives away.

The outside is shiny and has glass parts to it, now I'm not an architect but I know whoever owns this building must be wealthy. Although it's huge, it doesn't lack warmth. I feed it as soon as I walk in. I follow the signs into the elevator and the journey to my designated floor begins.

My stomach lurches and it knots into a pit of nervousness.

I try to convince myself that I have no reason to be nervous other than it's my first day of this life-changing moment in my career.

I shift in my heels as I feel the vibration of escalating towards the top of the building.

I let myself invest in a few lawyer and internship clothing pieces and today I chose a very simple but feminine look that is me to the t. 

My freshly cut below shoulder length; thick brown curly hair surrounds itself in a soft halo around my head and makeup melted gently onto my face, a light pink matte lip and highlighter on my cheekbones and the inner corners of my eyes brighten my face to show that I'm ready to get down to business.

I'm wearing a blush suit set with a freshly misted cream blouse tucked into my pencil skirt. My black heels make me taller than my normal 5'5 and the dainty gold heart necklace suggests power but also strength. Heart on your sleeve in a different mature way. I hold my black bag with confidence as I exit the elevator.

I enter the entrance space and go over to the desk.

"Good morning." I greet the front desk woman.

She looks up at me and she looks about my age; 22 but the heavy makeup she's wearing makes her appear older. But its beautiful either way. Her sharp gazed blue eyes look into my brown ones.

"Can I help you?" she flips her pin-straight blond hair.

Cue the bad vibes.

"Yes, it's my first day and I need directions." I measure my words carefully, looking into her blue eyes equally as sharp as she did before.

"Okay. One second." she holds up a bright red fingernail and then picks up the glossy black phone extinction.

She exchanges a few words with the person on the end of the line and then hands me a crisp sheet of paper.

"Thank you." I take it from her and smile. All hope isn't lost yet.

She smiles back, "Have a good first day."

The paper she handed me holds instructions as well as a map with listings of some nearby food places.

I end up in a largely lit hallway, in front of a large cherry wood door after checking the paper.

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