3 ~ Boss Bitch, no Woman

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~💚~ Songs I listened to while writing this chapter ~💚~  if your not a kpop fan it's okay I think NCT songs are good for people getting into this genre of music 💚

All of them are by NCT 127 and subunit NCT U 💚

// ~ Regular- English Version- NCT 127

// ~ Boss - NCT 127, NCT U

// ~ Sit Down - NCT 127

All these songs helped me write this boss like theme for the chapter 💚

The following week I had a practice court to attend too so I left work early on Tuesday to the apartment back on campus. 

I had to memorize what I was going to say in court the next day. 

My schedule consists of work four days a week; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday which works perfectly in between regular classes, the long lectures, and the practice courts every few weeks. 

That's law school for you. 

On Tuesday of the week of my practice court which was on my day off, Wednesday, I went to Mr. Wood's office to let him know I was done for the day till Thursday.

I found it kind of a hassle to go to his office every day to inform him, even though his office is close to mine. 

After a long day the last thing I want to do is talk to my boss. I prefer looking and feeling my best to talk to an important figure at my job and what I look like at the end of the day doesn't make me feel up to that. 

Not that I'm lazy or rude, I just find it ridiculous that a man with a big ass firm doesn't have a technology-based system to monitor empolyees work hours. 

I left my office window open to let the night air and closed up the curtains. Then I grabbed my bag and my water bottle to head out. 

"I'm heading home, sir," I informed him as I walked into his office. 

He looked up and his blue eyes locked into my brown ones, "Ms. Reyes," he nodded curtly. "Have a good evening, Isabela."

Last time I checked we weren't exactly on first name bases but he did ask me to call him Andrew whenever he asked to see me. 

It's strange and sweet at the same time, of course, its kept professional, but I wonder why he does that. 

"You too," I respond simply, thinking of the long night ahead of me.

"Good luck on you practice court tomorrow," he adds as I walk out. 

I turn around perplexed, "Thankyou, but how do you know about that?"

He shrugs and doesn't give me a clear answer but his eyes twinkle with a secret.

I laugh lightly, "What do you keep track of your employee's lives outside of the firm?"

He laughs too, "Think of it as me getting to know who the people in the firm family are."

"Or you could just ask." I smile and turn away.

"Oh really?" without turning around I can tell he has a smile on his face.

I continue smiling on my way home at the irony of him knowing what everyone outside of the firm does when we know very little about him. 


Once I'm home, I don't bother changing into comfy clothes and just make myself a fast dinner of rice and chicken with a couple of stray fries.

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