4 ~ Eventful Weekend Plans

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Later that week, I think about my plans for the weekend. It's Friday and usually, Chantél goes out and sometimes manages to convince all of us to go. A party, a get-together, or club, Chantél goes. 

The first few years of college, I found myself dancing the night away on a Friday night but as my career moves forward I hardly go out anymore.

Five years teaches you a lot more than you think. 

That's how I find myself home laying on my bed looking up at the white ceiling, contemplating possible options for things to do.

As I'm surfacing from thought, Olivia barges through my bedroom door. "Hey, what are you up too?" she asks launching herself onto my fluffy white comforter.

We both laugh as she lands and grabs a pillow to lay on. "Nothing much, just thinking about what to do this weekend," I reply. 

"Ohh, well spill sista." her green eyes look at me from Oli's pretty face with caramel hair pulled back in a messy bun.

"Well, I figured I should do something more fun than getting my apartment in New York ready but I'm not sure what to do. What are you going to do?" I ask hopeful of an idea magically appearing in my head.

"Yes, girl! You work so hard, you deserve a break," she smiles and then adds, "Well, it's my turn to grocery shop this week so I'll do that and then maybe go shop at King's Plaza? Ooo, and probably watch Netflix the rest of the night."

"Sounds like you have a plan then." I smile.

"Yeah, can you give me your food list ASAP please?" Oli lifts herself to a cross-legged position.

I scout the room for my notepad, "Yes,"

"Alright, I'm going to go to the library to turn in some books that were due months ago before I get fined."

"Olivia!!" I exclaim and she grins.

"I haven't had time, Isa!"

"Yeah right! Okay, go!" I shoo her out.

"FYI, Chantél should be coming home soon and Angie is on her way. Also, good luck figuring out what you're gonna do over the course of three days that these low lives call a weekend."

"Okay, thanks." I shake my head at her last words but she's not wrong, three days isn't enough sometimes.

Once I finish making my food list for Oli, I pad out to the living room. I place my list on Oli's pile of bags and notes on the counter and look up as the door opens.

"Can I have a hug please?" Angie stands in the doorway looking tired as hell.

I go over to her slightly concerned, "Sure, you okay?" and hug her tightly. 

"Tough week, all I want to do is sleep." she forces a smile.

"I feel that you work really hard Angie and it's paying off! You're going to be a great judge someday. In the meantime, it's the weekend and I'm on dinner duty tonight,"

She laughs, "Maybe the universe isn't against me after all."

"No, and don't forget we don't want you to get old." I tease. It's an ongoing joke that Angie says that she's getting old. 

"I know, it's just hard right now with..." she trails off and looks away like she said to much. 

"Whatever it is, we're here for you." I take her stuff out of her hands and put it away in the hall closet.

"I'm such a mess lately you don't even know," she confesses. Angie has never opened up to me like this and surprise is clear on my face as she speaks. 

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