2 ~ Meet my friends

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After reviewing a case for one of the head lawyers in the firm I spend the rest of the day preparing for a practice court in class later this week. 

I knew what I was getting myself into when I wanted to become a lawyer but the amount of practice courts I've attended and cases studied critically is insane!

 On another note, getting distracted wasn't part of the plan on my day. 

But I ended up making a list of decor I wanted to purchase for my new apartment, as well as items I need to get from my other apartment. 

My day comes to an end at 4:30 and I hail a taxi once again. 

I sigh, settling into the back seat as the taxi smoothly rides in traffic. I put one of my headphones in so I can pay attention to my surroundings. 

I'm not trying to get kidnapped.

Since it's my first day I ended up not staying in the studio close by and made the long ride back to campus.

When I get into the apartment I'm surprised that its dark and quiet. 

Usually my roomates and best friends are home and making food or watching movies.

To make sure I'm completely alone I call, "Olivia? Chantél? Angelica?" I don't get an answer and I asume no ones home. 

"Isabela?" Chantél's green eyes meet mine in the dim light of the hallway to our rooms. 

"What are you doing in the dark?" I laugh lightly. 

"Going out." she laughes. Thats when I see her short black dress and the red lipstick on her full lips. 

"Going to meet Paul?" I tease. Chantél is the smartest and sweetest girl ever, except all her boyfriends haven't been able to see that. Paul however has been different. 

Chantél met him on her way to her lecture one day and bumped into Paul. They clicked in an instant, it surprised all of us how they met, Chantél is more of the meet at the bar and hook up type.

"Yes, we're going on a date."  I see her cheeks flush. 

"Have fun." I smile. 

"Thanks. Hey Isabela?"

I turn around to look at her. 

"How was your first day at the firm?" 

"It was really good." a smile takes over my lips.

"What are you hiding Ms. Reyes?" Olivia's voice adds. 

"What the hell! I thought no one was home you guys!" I exclaim not liking that I thought I was alone in the apartment. 

They both laugh. "Sorry Isa, but we wanted to greet you before Angelica comes home." Oli tells me. 

"You guys are my bestfriends," I laugh. "But Angelica is our friend too." I point out. 

"I know. We're just teasing." Chantél bumps her arm with mine.

"You are the future group of female lawyers, judges, and attorney's in the industry and you have to stick together." Olivia says in a voice that resembles all of our proffessors.

"What's got you so happy Isabela?" Chantél can read my perfectly. 

"Well today was my first day at my internship in New York as you know and my boss is intresting." He's defiently hard to describe.

"Interesting?" Olivia and Chantél exchange looks. 

"Don't get any ideas." I warn them. Although I've met guys in my time in law school, there hasn't been one I've felt a connection with. I don't like getting into relationships for no reason.

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