Children of the Damned

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Adeline heard her phone ringing and groan

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Adeline heard her phone ringing and groan. She answered without looking at the caller I.d. "This better be important." She replied.

"No hello."

"No Damon." She replied.

"Well your going to help me find that grimoire." Adeline rolled her eyes.

Adeline arrived at Elena's house. "I am going to kill Damon." Was the first thing she said as she walked in. Elena smiled a little knowing that Adeline will kill Damon for waking her up. "How the hell are we able to find the grimoire?"

"The Gilbert journal." Elena tells her.

"I thought Jermey had it." Adeline said. "Why would the Gilbert journal have that kind of information in the first place."

"Johnathon Gilbert was around during the time Stefan and Damon were born." Adeline nodded. "Apparently, he kept notes about everything in this town, even down to secrets he was told."

"How do you know this if you didn't read it?"

"Have you write someone's secret in something?" Elena asked. Adeline finally caught on to what she meant.
Adeline has been trying to find anything in her families belongs to see if she can find anything, but so far, nothing. Her phone started ringing making her stop her research. "Hello." She sighed as she heard it was stefan. "Yeah, so far, nothing, but I have managed to find old journals that dated back to 1864." Stefan offered to come over. "That would be great."

Half way through the second journal when Stefan arrived. "Find anything."

"Nope." She replies. "Did you?"

"Yes actually." Stefan tells her. "Jermey gave the diary to Mr. Saltzman."

"So I'm guessing you are going to visit him." Stefan nodded. "Than I'll meet you at Elena's."
Adeline never made it to Elena's as she became interested with the journal she found. She was reading about the history of vampires and was shocked that vampires were created out of magic for protection. Adeline started highlighting each part that she believed was important. Her phone started ringing. "Yes."

"Where are you?" Elena asked.

"Reading." Adeline said. "I found some information, but it's different from the damon situation."

"Oh." Elena replied. "Well maybe I could read up on it too."

"Of course because this is like a history book." Adeline replied. "I have important information highlighted."

"Okay,  well we're off to Stefan's dad grave."

"Why?" Adeline asked.

"Giuseppe has it buried with him." Elena replies.

"Be careful you guys, Damon finds out he will be pissed." Adeline replies before hanging up and going back to the journals before falling asleep. The book fell to the floor with the page opened to information on a certain hybrid who wants to feel whole.

 The book fell to the floor with the page opened to information on a certain hybrid who wants to feel whole

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