Fool Me Once

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Adeline heard someone knocking on her door and sighed

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Adeline heard someone knocking on her door and sighed. She climbed out of bed and downstairs to see Stefan. "Stefan?" She questioned. "What's wrong?"

"Elena and Bonnie is missing." Adeline sighed.

"Let me go get dressed." Stefan nodded as she ran to her room. Adeline saw one of the journals that caught her attention. She picked it up and read it.

The hybrid was cursed by his mother because her affair shown when he first killed. Magic is what turned him a vampire and tied his true self away. Now he is on his way to find the doppelgänger so he can feel whole.


Adeline was confused as to who would have her friends. She walked through town and saw a girl that Jermey has been talking too. She walked over and smiled. "You probably know where my friends are."

"No." Adeline glared causing the girl fall to her knees in pain. "Yes." Adeline smirked. "I need to get in that tomb so I can get my mom out."

"Well, you can wait till Damon gets in there himself." Adeline said as she started walking away. Anna looked at the witch and knew she was extremely powerful and that she will be helping. Adeline called Stefan. "Please tell me you found them."

"Yeah. Heading to Shelia's now." Adeline sighed.

"I'll be there."
Adeline walked in and Shelia smiled. "You came."

"Of course." Adeline said hugging Elena and Bonnie. "So we have a huge problem."

"Damon wants in that tomb tonight." Elena said.

"Is he going to believe you and Stefan after you lied to him." Adeline said. "I wouldn't after knowing I was lied to before," Adeline pointed out. Elena left and it was confirmed. Damon has fallen for Elena Gilbert. "He'll definitely listen to her."

Stefan looked at her and he knew she was right. Damon Salvatore has fallen for his own girlfriend. Stefan sighed sadly and looked at the three witches. "So what's the plan."

"We need to kill those that are in the tomb." Shelia said. "Adeline, as you are powerful, I need your help with the spell." Adeline nodded. "Bonnie, are you up for this." Shelia asked looking at Bonnie,

Adeline sighed. She stood with Bonnie as she just wanted to go home. Stefan came back up making the three witches walk in. Something kept bothering Anna about this spell and knew that there might be consequences. "Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea."

"Nope." Bonnie said. "Something doesn't feel right."

Adeline saw Damon and Elena and knew whatever the consequences are, this will be Elena's fault. Adeline help set the stuff that is needed for the spell. Shelia grabbed both girls hands and started chanting. Adeline felt stronger as she chanted the spell. Shelia knew that Adeline will get stronger even if it is dark magic or not. The door finally opened making her smile.

Sometime that night, Adeline and Bonnie started chanting. Shelia sighed and started helping. Adeline knew something was bound to happen.
Adeline sat in her room when her phone started ringing. "Hello?" She answered and gasped at what she just learned. "This is Elena's fault." Was all she said before crying.

" Was all she said before crying

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