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Aerin'd known in less than a week that the embryo transfer was a complete Success, just like she'd said she most likely would. She'd already noticed that her Energy levels were nose-diving a lot earlier in the Eve in about five Days, even on the Days that she pretty much just laid around 'cuz of her hip bothering her or something. By the seventh Day, she was already starting to get that familiar pit of unease in the very pit of her stomach, like full-blown nausea was coming, but not quite there yet.

        Even Bobby'd already noticed the Change in his wife's behavior, and he couldn't help a smile every Time he found her zonked on the couch for a nap or something. It didn't take a geniusta figure out that at least one of the embryos'd implanted, but even he knew more than one mighta. After all, she'd Naturally conceived twins with her first successful pregnancy, and three embryos'd been transferred this Time around.

        The Morn of that two-week follow-up appointment, the young woman all but kicked her slightly older husband outta bed as she scrambled up. She'd been jolted awake by a sudden wave of nausea that wasn't gonna be satisfied till she'd left her guts in a trash can or the toilet, and she knew it. Said husband sleepily rubbed his eyes as he turned on the lamp on his nightstand, then blindly reached for his glasses so he could see straight. Even though his vision was still blurry once said glasses were on, he still got up to round the bed so he could go check on his wife. Judging by the Sounds that already met his ears, the Silver Fox already knew what he'd find, so he wasn't surprised when he flipped on the bathroom Light.

        Kneeling in front of the toilet to the left of the doorway, Aerin heaved and gagged so hard, he figured it was a Wonder she hadn't choked yet. Without saying a word, he simply knelt down beside her and pulled her hair back for her, allowing her to go after a two-handed Death grip on the toilet bowl. This was practically identical to how he and Ash'd found her at the Beginning of her pregnancy with Zep and Zeph, so he knew it'd have to be brought up at the appointment in a few hours. Hopefully, she could be prescribed something to help with the nausea now instead of waiting till she wound up in the ER from it again.

        "Better now, sweetheart?" Bobby asked once she finally collapsed with her head on the rim. It was like a sense of déjà vu overcame him as he rubbed her back.

        "," his wife panted as she caught her breath.

        "Deep breaths, then," he told her gently. "You'll catch your breath quicker that way."

        "Oooh, Goddess," Aerin whimpered as she pushed herself upright a couple minutes later. "I forgot how much the Morn sickness fuckin' sucked."

        "I'm sure ya did," the Silver Fox chuckled softly. "But hey, at least it's for a good cause this Time around, rather than 'cuz either of your husbands made a rookie mistake again."

        "True enough," she agreed, allowing him to help her up so she could at least rinse her mouth out.

        Bobby let her lean on him as if he were a human crutch, even before he'd reached down to flush the toilet for her. Somehow, he got the feeling they wouldn't be getting much more sleep, even though it was currently only the Witching Hour. As bad as her Morn sickness'd been the first Time around, it'd taken what amounted to a prescription version of Pepto Bismol for her to get any kinda decent sleep the first four months or so that she was pregnant.

*         *         *

Six hours later, the Silver Fox pulled his wife's truck into the parking lot of Dr. Hill's office, almost instantly spotting Ash's beloved '56 Oldsmobile. Taking care to leave more than enough Spaceta get out without the vintage gem getting damaged, he was surprised when he looked over at it. He'd expected Aidan to be in the passenger's seat, but she was snickering where she sat in the driver's seat instead, Ember appearing to giggle madly in the back seat. Course, with what appeared to be Ash snoozing against the window–and looking kinda funny from how his face was squished against said glass–he couldn't blame the pair for laughing at him.

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