21) The Instructor

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"Remember, don't show them your strengths." Finnick reminds us, "Try something new. Something you know you're not good at. Save your strengths for the Gamemakers."

"We know, Finnick. You've said it about twenty times." I tell him, picking at my pancakes.

"I'm just reminding you. If you show strengths, then you'll definitely be one of the first." He tells us.

"We know!" David and I say at the same time.


I pick the throwing knives station.

I'm good with knives, I just can't throw them for some reason; Yet I can throw a spear. Unbelievable.

I throw my first knife. It misses the target completely, impaling itself in the mat on the wall. "Ugh." I say, picking up another knife. I throw it, getting the extreme right edge of the target. I frown. Better, but still not great...

"Do you want help?" The instructor asks, brushing his white hair out of his eyes. He's not old, he just dyed it white. I think it looks really cool.

"Yes, please." I tell him.

He picks up a knife and shows me how to hold it right. Then he demonstrates how to throw it. He goes over it again, and then he hands me another knife.

I hold the handle like he told me, concentrating. I keep my eye on the bulls eye, pulling my arm back. Then, with a flick of my arm, I throw the knife.

Bullseye. "Amazing!" The instructor says, "Great job! Try again? It may be beginner's luck." He smiles at me.

I throw the knife again, but this time it get in the second circle from the middle. I smile. "So, it was beginner's luck. Just kidding. You're doing great! Have you ever thrown before?" He asks me.

"Once," I tell him, throwing another. When it hits the second circle, I continue, "I sucked at it. So I just kind of gave up." I throw another. It misses.

"Ouch." the instructor says. But I did that on purpose. Tributes were starting to watch me, and I didn't want them to see that I was getting better with knives.

I throw another two, and miss again. "I guess it was just beginner's luck." I tell the instructor, sighing.

"I guess so." He replies, but I see him wink. He knows I did it on purpose.

"I guess I'll try something else..." I tell him, walking off.

I try the knots station, the camouflage station, and the traps station before the head instructor tells us to leave. On my way out, I walk past the throwing knives station. The instructor smiles and winks as I walk by.

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