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"Hey Lisa, do you wanna come with me to the new amusent park tomorrow?" Jimin asked Lisa that seems busy with her phone but he gained her attention after mention the new amusent park.

"Of course I'll come with you. I heard the rollercoaster is crazy and I can't wait to ride it," Lisa reply cheekily.

She giggle because Jimin's face turn pale. She knew that he is scared of high.

"Come on Chim, I'll help you overcome your fear. Its not like you'll gonna die," she continue amd claps her hand excitedly.

Jimin smile looking at her.

"Thanks Lisa," he said and look at Lisa.

"That is what friends for," she said and shrug.

Jimin smiles faded away. He knew he just a friends to her. Nothing more nothing less because she has a boyfriends and they both love each other.

"Hey Lisa! Let me walk you to your class," Eunwoo calls her girlfriends as they hold hands. Lisa bid goodbye to Jimin and walked away with Eunwoo.

Jimin's pov

"If only I confess to her when Jisoo said she likes me. But who can blame me when I know Eunwoo likes her too. The perfect guy who everyone dreams to be with." I sigh and wave back to Lisa who is smiling at me.

"Hey, think positively. You still can spend the whole day with her tomorrow," I said trying to cheer myself and I went to class.


"Alright class, for todays I want you guys to draw your bestfriends faces and the prettiest one, I'll give them a price." Mrs. Song said and all of us get excited.

I decide to draw a pictures of Lisa. I start drawing and I'm very satisfied with the result.

I smiles remembering the memories we made behind this drawing

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I smiles remembering the memories we made behind this drawing. That is the last time we dance together since we became seniors and we probably will be busy so we took a bunch of photos.

I was wondering about Lisa's drawing so I take a peek and damn, that was really pretty and it made me surprise that she draw me instead of Eunwoo.

I was wondering about Lisa's drawing so I take a peek and damn, that was really pretty and it made me surprise that she draw me instead of Eunwoo

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"Woah Lisa, that was epic," I praised her drawing skills and she smiles at me.

"Looks who is the drawer," she said and giggle.

"Why do you choose to draw this. And why don't you draw Eunwoo instead of me?" I asked her and she smiles.

"The topic is draw your bestfriends and Eunwoo is my boyfriends. And I choose this one because you are so adorable back then and do you remember this moment when I told you to follow me and we danced together at the rooftop," she replied and I smiled.

"Well Lisa, I draw you after our dance and you draw me before our dance," I said and we both laugh.

"Alright class. Times over so please submit you drawing and I'll announce the winner next week. Enjoy your weekends. Class dismiss," Mrs Song said and we bid goodbye.

Lisa's pov

I smiles excitedly because tomorrow me and Jimin will go to the amusent park.

"Lisa, can you give this to our neighbour." My mom said as she give me a tupperware full of red velvet cake.

I nodded and look at the cake like it is my life but my mom snap off my thought.

"Don't you ever think to eat that. Yours is on the fridge," she said which made me smiles.

I went to our neighbours house and knock.

"Oh Lisa. What are you doing here?" Mrs Park ask and I showed him the cake.

"My mom asked me to give this to you," I said and she smiles thanking me.

"Do you want to come in?" She offers me but I shook my head.

"No thank you. I need to go home now Mrs Park and say hi to Rosie for me," I said and went to my house.

I eat the cake delicously and do my homework. I'm really excited to go to the new amusent park with Jimin.


As soon as I arrive, I saw Jimin is sitting at the bench with two tickets in his hands.

"Took you long enough Lisa," Jimin said to me smirking.

"At least I'm confident to ride the rollercoaster." I said and laugh when his face turned pale.

"Come on, I'm here," I said and hold his hand and drag him to the rollercoaster.

"Lisa, I think this is a bad ide-," he couldn't finish his sentence when the rollercoaster start moving fast.

"Are you okay Jimin?" I asked him and he nodded slowly.

"I slowly overcome my fear Lisa," he said and drag me to the restaurant.

"Lets eat. I'm hungry," he said and I agreed with him because both of us didn't take our breakfast today.

"Jimin there is a cotton candy," I said and pointed there and he look.

"What are you gonna do with it," he asked me and I make my puppy eyes.

"You really loves sweet did you," he said and went to the stall and I squeeled happily.

"Thanks Jimin for today," I said and kiss his cheeks. He smiles and hug me tight and I could tell he is crying because he put his head on my shoulder and it become wet.

"Hey Jimin, are you alright?" I asked and wipe his tears. I really don't want to see him cries.

"You don't have to worried about me Lisa, worried about yourself first," he said and look away which made my heart ache and I don't even know why.

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