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Donghyuk's pov

"Can I accompany her Ma'am?" I askes our principal and she nodded.

"I've call her friends and they probably be here later. I'll get going first. Take care Donghyuk," she said and went away.

I look at Miss Lisa and smile sadly.

"Please wake up Miss. Because of you, I'll overcome my fear and made some friends. You are like a sister that I don't have. I need you, we need you," I mumble and then the door open.

"Who are you?" The guy asked me. He is sweating I guess because of running.

"I'm Donghyuk. I'm one of Miss Lisa's student," I said and he nodded.

"Nice to meet you Donghyuk. I'm Jungkook." He introduce himself.

"May I know what actually happen?" He asked me so I'm about to explain but the door open again.

"Is Lisa okay?" He asked panic. I look at him suspicous since he wear a mask.

"Who are you?" Jungkook and I asked him.

"I'm one of Lisa's friend." He said so we just get along with it.

I tell them what happen and they listen carefully. I could hear them sigh.

Jungkook's pov

"Jungkook, is Lisa okay?" Jennie and Jisoo asked me as they quickly went here.

"She looks okay," I said and we all look at her. I notice that Jisoo is eyeing the guy.

"You seems familiar," Jisoo blurted out at the guy.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking panic.

"Don't lie. I know you, Park Chanyeol right? EXO members," Jisoo said and we all look at him shock.

"How do you know Miss Lisa?" Donghyuk asked and we all are interested in this conversation before Jimin and Rosé appear.

"Where is Lisa? Wait, what are you doing here?" Jimin asked as he pointed at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol just shrug and Jimin looks like he want to started a fight with him but we stop him.

"Can I talk to you?" Jimin said and Chanyeol just went along but I followed them secretly.

"What are you doing here Park Chanyeol?" He asked.

"Am I not allowed to see her," He replied.

"No, you are not allowed," Jimin said and I think they will start to fight any moment from now.

"Who are you to decide if I can see her or not?" Chanyeol replied sarcastically.

"I think I need to get out from here." I mumble and approach the other.

Jimin's pov

"I'm her-," I couldn't finish my sentence which earned a smirk from the guy infront of me.

"Thats what I thought. You're not her boyfriend. You just see her as a friend and don't forget that you have a girlfriend." He chuckle and I swear I gonna kill him.

"You can't hurt her," I said and he laugh.

"How can I hurt her if I like her?" He replied and my heart ache. Why do I feel hurt when she's not my girlfriend.

Chanyeol walk into the room left me standing there alone. He's right. I have a girlfriend so why do I care about her so much.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Rosé asked me as she exit Lisa's room. I smile at her even its fake.

"Don't worry, I'm here," she said and kiss me. This time, the kiss I have with her, it fell empty."

She broke the kiss and look at me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked me and I just nodded. With my remark, she hold my hands and drag me inside.

"Eunwoo and Tzuyu said they'll come here later. Does anyone of you want something to eat? Lets go to the cafeteria," Jennie said and all of us agreed with her.

"Lets go," she said and they all went but I decide to go last. I stare at her face and go. But suddenly I heard she mumble.

"I love you Jimin," she said and I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I have Rosé," I said and followed them. Little did I knew a tear escape Lisa's eyes.

Lisa's pov

I woke up as I have a nightmare and I remembered I said I love you to Jimin. I still closed my eyes when I hear a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I have Rosé," the familiar voice respond and I felt a tear escape my eyes.

"I know, thats why I stayed silent," I mumble as Jimin and the others went away.

"Miss Lisa you're awake," Donghyuk said as he approach me followed by Chan. I opened my arm and he hug me.

"Chan," I called his name happily and he smile at me worriedly.

"How do you know I'm here?" I asked him.

"Its all over the news Lisa. I'm glad you're okay," he said and smile.

"Thank you for being here Chan and thanks for acompanny me Donghyuk," I said and they replied with a welcome.

"I need to go Lisa. I have a schedule after this," Chanyeol said and I nodded.

After he left, I turned to Donghyuk.

"Do you know who he is Miss?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, he's my friend." I replied and Donghyuk just smile.

"He's more than a friend Miss. If only you know his true identity," he said which made me confuse.

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