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Lisa's pov

   "Why did you come here Mark?" I thought you are busy with the company," I said to the male who is standing infront of my door smiling like an idiot.

   "Come on Lisa. Don't you miss your beloved cousin," He said and opened his arm for a hug but I just stared at him.

   "Not at all. I don't even remember about you exsistent until you came here," I said and he frowned but after a while, he smile.

   "Still the sweet old mean Lisa that I know," he said and chuckle.

   "Come with me?" He asked and I look at him.

   "No, I'm too lazy," I said and he still knows my weakness.

   "I'll treat you anything you want," he said and I quickly grab my jacket and lock my door.

   "Lets go," I said and drag him.


   "Hey, am I seeing a ghost?" He asked me and pointed at a girl who is standing there alone. She looks miserable.

   "Oh Mark, is she suiciding. One step and she will be dead. We must help her," I said and drag him to the girl.

   "Are you crazy? Why would you kill yourself?" Mark yelled at her suddenly which made her shock and near to fell but Mark hold her wrist. Mark and the girl seems like have a staring competition until I broke it when I saw her face.

   "Rosé!" I said shocked.

   "Leave me alone Lisa. I don't have any reason to live anymore. Nobody likes me." She said sobbing. She start to take a step back avoiding me.

I pull her near me and hug her tight. She tried to push me but I tighter the hug.

   "No Rosé. Not all people hates you." I said and she cried on my shoulder.

   "Who? Give me an example," she said and I took a breath before said it.

   "Me," I said and thats enough for her to cried harder in my shoulder.

   "I'm sorry Lisa. For all this year I ignores you because of love. I forgot about friendship when it comes to love. I'm blind enough," she said and I rub her back.

   "It's okay Rosé, everyone makes mistake. Nobodies perfect. You don't have to be sorry because I always forgive you," I said and wipe her tears.

   "Stop crying will you?" I said and she nodded.

   "What happens?" I asked her and she look at me sadly.

   "We're broke up. He doesn't love me anymore. His heart belongs to someone else," she said and I frowned.

   "Thats why I want to kill myself but thanks to you, I thought about it." She said and thanked me and Mark.

   "Why does people always so stupid in Love. I don't care what is your name but next time remember my words. Learn how to love yourself first before loving someone else so you can't easily make a stupid decision. Take a rest. Your heart need it, trust me. Lisa, I'll give you some time alone with her. I'll go first." Mark said.

Rosé stayed silent for a while but I just smile. I completely agreed with Mark. Even he is a bit cold and plays with girl hearts sometime, but he is warm and nice deep inside and thats what I love him for. He has a soft spot for his family and relatives. We knew that.

   "I need to see Jimin. Thanks again Lisa. Say thanks to him too." She said before running away. I just sigh and then I walk to my home too.

Rosé's pov

I opened the door and find Jimin looking frustrated. He stood straightly when he sees me.

   "Chaeng, I'm sorry," he said but I just smiles at him.

   "Its okay Jimin. I understand. We can't force to do something especially love. I support you no matter what. But we still can be friend," I said and he started to smile.

   "Thanks Chaeng," he said and hug me.

   "Go get her Jimin. You need- no you must. You have a competitor. And he's not just a regular guy." I said and give him a fighting and he smiles widely.

   "Thanks Chaeng. Don't worry, you'll find the right guy for you one day and its just not me." He said and I nodded. He ran to his room and I sat on the couch.

   "Thanks who ever you are. I'll learn how to love myself first and hopefully, we can meet again someday and know each other. I don't even know your name," I whisper and think about him.

Mark's pov

   "I never know you care about any other girls except for your relatives," Lisa teased and I rolled my eyes.

   "I just can't sit still. She wants to kill herself just because of this love thingy." I state and Lisa laugh.

   "I think you need to relaxed a bit Mark. You have enough preasure on the company and you need one thing in your life," Lisa said and I raised my eyebrows.

   "And what is it?" I asked and she smirk.

   "This love thingy," she said and laugh. I smiles a little knowing that Lisa has smiles back.

She was really hurts when she told me about a guy and don't forget about the fire. Luckily, she have a few month to completely recover before start to works again.

   "Let's the fate decide it." I said and Lisa stop laughing.

   "What if you ended up with Rosé. That must be epic," she said and I shook my head.

   "Never," I said and Lisa pouted and I laugh secretly.

   "So your name is Rosé, interesting," I whisper silently and than we both eat the food that I order for Lisa.

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