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Lisa's pov

I wave at him when I saw him standing infront of the restaurant.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologies first.

"No, I'm just early," he reply and we entered the restaurant.

After I order our food since he asked me to decide it, we talked for a while.

"So what's your name?" He asked me and smile.

"Lalisa Manoban. You can call me Lisa," I introduce myself.

"How about you?" I asked him and he seems taken aback.

"You can call me Chan," He said and we both become friends pretty quick. The food has arrive so we eat it. Just than, my nightmare came in holding hands.

"They can see me," I mumble so I tried to covered my face.

"Whats wrong Lisa?" Chan asked me and I just shook my head.

"Lisa? Is that you?" The couple approach me and I curse myself silently.

"Apparently yes," I said and smile at them. Even its hurt the way they treat me, but I already forgive them.

"I miss you," Rosé said and hug me tight. I look at Jimin and he gave me a sad face.

"Join us Lisa," Jimin offer and Rosé eyes sparkle.

"No, I brought someone and I don't want to be the thirdwheeler," I said to them and they frowned.

They turn to Chan and their face change.

"Why they seems shock," I thought so I look at Chan to and he seems panic.

"Do you know who he is Lisa?" Rosé said and pointed at him.

"No. I just know him and he's my friends," I reply.

"Are you kidding me, he is Park Chan-" Jimin couldn't finish his sentence when Chan butted in.

"I'm full. Lets go Lisa." He said and drag me out from them.

"I need to pay," I said and point at the counter and he just smiles.

"I have payed for it," He reply and smiles sweetly at me. I swear my heart beat fast that time.

"Now I owe you again," I said and pouted but he chuckle.

"Don't worry, I need to buy my friends food too," he replied and I thank him. He walked me until I reach my house.

"You'll leave here?" He asked shock but I just nodded.

"Even though its old, the community is nice and Chan, don't judge a book by its cover," I replied and drag him into my house.

He was amazed to see my house and I just giggle.

"What do you do for life?" He asked me.

"I'm a teacher at Seoul High School and sometimes a photographer. I learn it from my closest friends," I said and showed him my camera.

"You really are amazing," he said and I smile.

"Its getting late Chan, you'll better get going," I said and he agreed. I walked him to the door and we bid goodbye.

"Say hi to your friends," I said and wave at him.

"I will," he reply and then he dissapear from my vision.

I walked to my room and lay on my bed.

"What is his full name actually? Why does Jimin amd Rosé was shocked to see him? Nevermind," I mumble and went to sleep.


"Lets play a game shall we?" I asked my class and they agreed.

We were so happy. Laughing and teasing each other when the bell rang. I look at my watch.

"Its still early though," I mumble and went outside. The other class looks confused too and they become panic when someone yell there is a fire.

All of us went outside but I have a bad feeling about this. The firefighter hasn't arrive yet and a girl cried. She kept yelling saying that her friend is still in there. All the teacher seems worried but they didn't take any action. I curse myself again and run inside searching for the girl. I found her infront of the library.

"Help," she said weakly so I quickly went to her.

"Don't worry, here take this. Covered you nose," I said and hand her a wet towel.

"How about you Miss?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Lets get out from here," I said and piggyback her then I ran outside.

All the teacher and student was relieved seeing me and the girl went outside safely. I put her down but I start to cough. I guess I smell smoke too much. The last thing I remembered was the girl hug me and it all become black.

Donghyuk's pov

"Hey Hanbin, do you see Miss Lisa?" I asked him.

"I heard someone said that she ran inside looking for Momo. She still inside," he said and my eyes went wide. After a few minutes, it become noisy and we both tried to see what happens and saw Miss Lisa is laying on the ground and Momo is hugging her.

The firefighter finally arrive with an ambulance. They treat Momo and brought Miss Lisa to the hospital. I was really worried but not just me but all my classmate. Miss Lisa is very kind and she is easy going but it maybe going to change.

"Could someone accompany me to the hospital to check Miss Lisa's condition?" Our principal asked and I raised my hands.

"Alright, lets go Donghyuk," she said and I followed her to her car.

"I hope you are okay Miss," I mumble.

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