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Lisa's pov

   "What are you two doing here?" I asked both of them. I still standing at my door confuse not even thinking to invite them inside.

   "Well, I want to visit you and I brought this," Chanyeol said and show me thai food. I was drooling but I turned to the other guy.

   "How about you?" I asked and he shrug.

   "I just want to check on you," Jimin said and I look at him unbeliveable.

   "Well, you got what you want. I'm fine," I said and drag Chanyeol inside and slammed the door.

   "I'm sorry Jimin but I still couldn't accept the fact that you just broke up with Rosé," I mumble.

   "Let's eat together," I said and he nodded but I felt like I forgot about something until the disaster come by himself.

   "You didn't tell me you have a food," Mark said as he attend to grab but I prevent it.

   "Oh Lisa, who is he? Wait don't answer me I know," Mark said and I just facepalm myself.

   "Hi there, nice to meet you Park Chanyeol. I'm Mark, Lisa's fiance," he said and I widen my eyes but I notice he wink so I just get along with it.

   "Wait you're engaged!" Chanyeol state shocked and I just smile sheepishly.

   "It's a surprise?" I said more like asking. Before Chanyeol could speak anything, Mark push him out.

   "Bye. Any last word Lisa?" Mark said and I look at Chanyeol guiltyly.

   "Sorry about his attitude Chanyeol. I'll text you later," I said apologies and he shook his head telling is okay.

   "See you later, hope not," Mark said and closed the door.

He approach me back and I raised my eyebrows.

   "What was that for?" I asked and he laugh.

   "Just admit it Lisa, its kinda fun," He said and my lips start to form a smile.

   "Nice, he brought a food too," he continue and I pull the food close to me.

   "Mine," I said but he ignored it and eat the food.

   "Are you friends with him?" He asked and I nodded.

   "Poor him," he said and I become confused.

   "Why did you say that Mark?" I asked and he sigh.

   "You don't get it don't you?" He asked and I shook my head.

   "He likes you Lisa." He said and I froze. I never thinking to end up with him at all. We just met a month ago.

   "Don't say something like this Mark. It's not funny. How are you so sure?" I asked and he look at me.

   "Eyes can't lie. And I'm a guy too Lisa so I just know it. Even if I am not your cousin, I'll maybe try to date you," Mark said and my mind seems to repeating his words.

   "Eyes can't lie. Jungkook," I blurted out when remember he told me that once. Mark broke the silence.

   "Jungkook? Seriously Lisa, how are there is so many guys in your life?" He asked and I smirk.

   "Because I'm pretty and adorable. You also said you want to date me," I said doing aegyo and he just smile but then I just remember.

   "Yah Mark! My food," I said and there it is. The starting of our bickering just because of the food.

   "Hey since you are a guy, could I asked you a favour?" I asked after we settle down.

   "Depends, so what is it? I'll think about it," He reply and I can't believe I'm saying this.

   "Could you-, nah never mind. You probably rejected it since you hate this kind of stuff.

   "Hey tell me Lisa. If this is one of that love thingy, I'll do it for you because I want you to be happy." He said and I was touch. He rarely showed his emotions.

   "I want to know if this guy likes me and I what ever the answer is, I already like- no love him," I said and look away. My cheeks turn red and I try to not look at the teasing eyes infront of me.

   "Sure," he said and I widen my eyes.

   "Thank you Mark," I said and hug him and like always, he hug me back.

   "No problem. If that is the only way to get rid of you," he said and I pushed him.

   "Yah! Do you wanna sleep outside tonight?" I said and he quickly apologies.

   "So what's your plan?" He asked and I smile.

   "We do it just like before. Pretending to be engaged." I said and he nodded.

"I love you Jimin. It's still shocking to know about your relationship with Rosé end, but I hope you love me too like I do,"

"I'm sorry Chanyeol, but I never see you as more than friends. My heart belongs to someone else and I hope you could find someone better than me. Forgive me"


Want some spoiler?

Someone will be rejected in the next chapter.


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