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Lisa's pov

I lay on my bed thinking about Jimin. I just lost my appetite.

"Geez, get out off my head." I said and shake my head tried to forget about him.

"What are you thinking Lisa? He's engaged with your friends," I mumble but I paused for a while.

"Friend? Am I really her friend? Does friend treat each other like this?" I said and sit. I grab my jacket and went to the closest park. I need some fresh air right now.

"Its dangerous for a sexy girl like you to walk alone at this time," someone said which made me turn around. A drunk guy stares a me and he lick his lips which made me shiver.

He start to walk towards me which made me run but he chased me and he really fast. I accidentally bump into a guy and I hug him tight. He look at me confused.

"Help me," I mumble trying to catch some breath and then the drunk guy appears.

"Come one babygirl," he said smirking which made me hold that guy clothes harder.

He stopped and look at the guy I hug and his face become redder.

"Who are you? Why does you hug my girl?" He said and I look at him scared.

Without hesitation, the guy that I hug punch the drunk guy and he fell on the ground. He quickly drag me far from him until he dissapear from our vision.

"Thank you for helping me," I said and blush remembering that I hug him.

"No problem," he said and smile.

I look at my watch and its getting late. I have work tomorrow so I thought for a while.

"Thank you so much. Here take this so I can return your favour." I said and give him a paper which my number is written on it.

Without him replied I wave and walk to my house.

Chanyeol's pov

"Hyung, where have you been?" Sehun asked me but I still stared at the paper in my hands.

"Earth to Park Chanyeol," Sehun calls again which made me come back to my sense.

"What were you saying?" I askes him and he sigh.

"Forget it, let's go home now. Tomorrow we need to practice for our comeback." He said and I nodded. While we walk home, Sehun is busy with his phone and me, I still thinking about the girl earlier. For the first time, a girl don't freak out when see me. I don't even wear a mask.

"Where's our food?" Baekhyun said we entered the house.

"Would you mind helping us here?" Sehun said sarcastically and smile.

"Fine," he replied and we put the stuff on the kitchen table.

"Hey, you guys eat without me okay. I'm not hungry," I said and went to my rooms then grab my phone saving her numbers. I'm still starstruck with her face. She really is breathtaking.

I remembered her face for the last time and then went to sleep.


Lisa's pov

"That's it for today," I said and closed my book. All of the student is in a hurry because they have a physical test and they need to change.

I smile looking at my student one by one and my eyes reach Donghyuk. He is talking with his friends Hanbin. I'm really happy because he make a friends and that what we need in our life. I remember my words to him.

"Friends is a family we could choose. Its you who decide neither you want to pick a true friends or some fake friends."

Which suddenly reminds me to Rosé. What is she up to these day so I call Jennie.

"Hello Jen," I said to her.

"Hi Lisa. What's up," she stated which made me chuckle. She'll never change

"I'm just wondering, do you know any news about Rosé and Jimin?" I asked her. Before she could answer, a guy butted in.

"Why don't you asked me myself," he said and approach me which made me shock.

"Hello Lisa? Are you still there?" Jennie asked and I replied to her.

"I'll talk to you later Jennie. Bye love you," I said and end the call.

"What are you doing here Jimin?" I asked him and crossed my arms.

"I'm gonna meet the principal but then I saw you so I decide to see you. Its been a while Lisa. Why did you avoid me?" He asked me with a sad smile.

I was surprise with his statement which made me angry.

"Excuse me Mr. Park Jimin, its you who avoiding me and its you who ignore me all this time. Do you think its easy for me to accept this all shit. I don't wanna disturb both of you so I decide to play along with this stupid game. You didn't even notice me even I'm just besides you. We're so close but yet we're really far from each other." I blurted out my feelings all this time and he seems regret.

"I'm sorry Lisa. Its just been a while and its really rare for us to see each other," he said and I chuckle. I pick my book and exit the class but I stop beside him first.

"Let's just keep it that way Mr. Park, I whispered to him and walk away.

"Sorry is not enough Jimin. It's useless when I know that you gonna left me again,"

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