Truth tellin

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Louisa's p.o.v

I'm jumping around on rooftops with the guys, something about this is feeling...... wrong as we jump up a fire escape to a different rooftop. Leo suddenly says "hold up ninj- I-I mean guys, I have a feeling... we're not alone here." I nod my head and say "I felt the same way-" "you're right Leo, we have a potential spy." Interrupted, again, by Mikey who just wanted to joke around as he looked a squirrel before it ran. "Shh! I thought I heard-" "foot, attack!" Karai yells as she interrupted Donnie now.

Unsheathing my kunais I shriek as I jump and avoid their deadly weapons, fear already building up inside me, so I put a kunai back. Then I lift up my hand and freeze the footbot completely, surprising Karai "didn't know you could teach an idiot new tricks." Mikey yelling "get off of me Rahzar!" Got my attention, it also got Donnie's attention as we run. At the same time we hit Rahzar away from Mikey, who fist bumped us for his appreciation. "Look out!" Mikey yells and hits Rahzar's claws away from us, so I laugh a little "I always knew you needed to trim those."

Donnie laughed a little at my words, but I notice Raph trying to help Leo with Karai, so I run over and help him instead since foot got in the way. We ran across rooftops as we clash weapons every now and again, but we stayed on one. "Karai, listen" Leo says to her as he jumps towards her, so I do too and help in case he can't dodge or reflect. "There's something you should know" Leo says as he's on the edge of a rooftop, so I narrow my eyes and kick her side. She grunted as she jumped away from us "it's about your father!" Leo says, making her growl a bit.

"Now you've done it-" I say as she pushes us off the rooftop, Leo caught me as he lands perfectly saying "your real father" then he put me down. Karai jumped down as she clashes her weapons to Leo's katanas, I barely jumped out of the way. Leo then continues saying "your real name is Miwa!" Karai then says "I'm not interested in anything. But you begging for your life!" With that I shoulder her out of the way before she hit Leo. Before anything else could happen she ran towards me and an earthquake started somehow.

Leo looked up and noticed the cylinder about to fall on Karai, so he says "Karai, look out!" He put his katanas away and jumped towards her. She tried to hit him, but he dodged and kicked her away, I gasp and push him away "not on my watch." "Louisa, no!" With that the cylinder starts to fall, I react quickly and fall on my stomach. As I'm on my stomach I quickly lay on my back instead and see the cylinder getting close. Gasping I put my hands right above me- not fully extended, but enough to keep anything away.

Then I felt ice shoot from my hands as I thought of a cover for me, my sky blue hands shooting ice into an actual shield to cover my body. "Louisa!" The guys yell, then I also hear "keep digging!" I can't see anything but blue. "Louisa?" Donnie asks confused "oh noo! You turned into ice" Mikey says sadly as he got close to crying. A slapping sound is heard as Raph says "she made a shield, ya idiot!" "Louisa, it's okay now. Come out!" Donnie says right after.... "I don't think I know how to get out" I say nervously.

"Well, not even these bricks broke the ice, so maybe you actually turned it into a good shield, I have a plan, go to your far left" Leo instructed. I do and he says "tap the ice so we know where you are!" I start to knock on the ice, but nothing happened. "Okay, now don't move! We're using our weapons to try and break the ice!" Donnie instructed. With that I gasp as I see Leo's katana break through the ice as I also see Raph's sais right after. "Is that enough room for you to get out??" Mikey asks confused, so I pop my head out saying "yep."

Donnie helps me climb out, so I ask "what even was that??" He answers with "some localized quake! But what caused it??" I shrug my shoulders. "Your guess is as good as mine-" "oh no- she's gone!" Leo interrupted me as he ran to the edge of the roof. "That could've changed everything... now it's too late" Leo says upset, we ignore that as we just go back to the lair. When we're there we just start doing our own thing- besides Donnie, who is researching about the quakes. "Scientists are calling them micro-quakes, but they shake so hard that this reporters hair was badly messed up."

The camera zoomed out a bit to show his messed up hair, but he smooths it back saying "no need for concern, I'm being treated by my stylist." I roll my eyes and Mikey says "dude! His poor hair..." at that I laugh a little, thinking he was joking. Raph says "first of all, knowing him, I know he wasn't joking, secondly.... earthquakes in Manhattan... something's definitely up." I roll my eyes playfully and say "well, let's go see what Donnie has found out about them." We go in the lab, Mikey ran, so me not wanting to walk, jumped on his shell and got a piggy back ride.

Raph normally walked in as Donnie says "I've been graphing the earthquakes epicenters, they're happening in a pattern that's not at all random." Mikey asks "is that awesome or awesome bad??" So I laugh a little saying "awesome bad, Mikey." Donnie nods his head saying "I got weird energy readings under the epicenter, I think some type of tech is causing the quakes." Raph then says "huh.. are you thinking what I'm thinking??" My stomach grumbles as I jump off of Mikey. "If you're thinking about food, then yes" as we actually see what Mikey is thinking about somehow.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT The Manhattan Project/Wormquake (part 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now